Tag - Universe

AI Breakthrough Uncovers Hidden Signals in the Universe

Machine learning is helping LIGO scientists extract meaningful signals from chaotic data, opening doors for future breakthroughs in astrophysics and data science. Credit: SciTechDaily.comA newly developed AI-driven tool is transforming how scientists process vast amounts of data from the LIGO gravitational wave observatory. Without requiring human input, it identifies environmental noise sources—such as earthquakes...

Gravitational-Wave Discovery May Reshape Our Understanding of the Universe

Scientists have developed a novel optical system to enhance LIGO’s sensitivity, pushing gravitational-wave detection to unprecedented depths. This breakthrough could unlock cosmic secrets and revolutionize astrophysics. Credit: SciTechDaily.comBy refining mirror correction techniques, scientists can now push laser power to extreme levels, unlocking new insights into the early universe and black hole physics.A recent study...

A Physicist Explains How to Visualize the Universe’s Astonishing Expansion

Credit: PixabayWhen you bake a loaf of bread or a batch of muffins, you place the dough in a pan. As it bakes, the dough expands into the pan, causing any chocolate chips or blueberries to spread farther apart.In some ways, the Universe’s expansion is similar. However, there’s a key difference: while dough expands...

A Vast X-Ray Image Spans Half the Universe Capturing Over a Million Sources

The eROSITA map seen in two different ways: Left shows extended X-ray emissions, while the right image shows point-like X-ray sourcesMPE, J. Sanders for the eROSITA consortiumAstronomers have utilized the eROSITA space telescope to chart half of the universe in X-ray light. This newly created map, featuring nearly a million X-ray sources, serves as...

New Telescope Instruments Will Investigate the Universe For Water

Credit: PexelsSince water plays a crucial role in supporting life forms based on carbon, scientists actively search for it when exploring the potential for extraterrestrial life. This includes investigating other planets through probes and using space-based telescopes to observe the cosmos.Detecting water from Earth-based instruments is considerably challenging. However, recently developed water-detecting receivers,...

James Webb Helps Astronomers Look to the Past of the Universe

The James Webb image of SMACS 0723. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, and STScIJames Webb first Full-color images help astronomers make a new discovery.James Webb's discovery is yet to give us not just a new insight but also a treasure trove of data held by every image it has released.The first full-color James Webb image,...