The BeTriton: a Completely Electric all-in-one Camper, Trike, and Boat

The BeTriton, a Latvian-made recreational vehicle, intends to transform the way individuals travel locally.
As founder and CEO Aigars Lauzis puts it, “instead of globe-trotting and hopping on planes, you would really travel and engage with the surrounding landscapes around where you are.”
The inspiration for BeTriton came to Aigars Lauzis while he was staying on a boat in Amsterdam during a bicycle journey from London to Tokyo.
How it started
Aigars has a background in urban design, having dealt with large projects like artificial islands in the middle of the sea. Aigars said, “So I thought this scale is actually right for me as a designer. And then that’s kind of the idea of these kind of houseboats, and amphibious kind of Noah’s arks.
I sketched out a bigger version first. And then when I was in Shanghai, I thought, no, I need to start on something smaller. You know, being in China, seeing these, like, tricycles on the streets, I thought, you know, why don’t I also work with some kind of, like, a bike version. So that’s how I started prototyping, in my apartment in Shanghai, while I was still on the road traveling. So I made this first foam board model mockup in Shanghai, and that’s how it all kind of started.”
The BeTriton is a three-wheeled electric road-legal moped made up of a lightweight aluminum structure, a fiberglass hull, and recycled components like polyester and bottles. Powered by a lithium-ion battery pack that supplies 30 or more miles of constant range, the BeTriton can achieve 24 km/h on land and 5 km/h on water.

The bike is aided by a 1,000-watt electric motor, enabling its rider to take on inclines. Solar panels on the roof supply additional power to charge the batteries. However, plugging in is still required.
The camper is sealed, making it water resistant, and has sleeping space for two adults. It consists of a fold-up kitchen table, USB chargers, utility and reading lights, GPS, luggage storage space, cupholders, and a sound system with Bluetooth. There is even a pot for a favorite plant!
Great for adventures
Going from land mode to water mode takes around 5 minutes. The vehicle can be ridden to any inland freshwater lake. From there, it is maneuvered right into the water. The front and back wheels are manually raised so inflatable stabilizers may be connected.
Finally, an electric boat motor is lowered from inside the cabin. The BeTriton additionally includes a set of attachable oars, so there is always a way to return to shore, even when the battery runs out.
“It’s not a $200,000 product where you know, everything is, you just stand away and you just kind of go in. It’s about really embracing the experience and getting your feet wet and dirty and really going off-road,” said Aigars.
The cost estimate of the BeTriton is around $16,000, depending on specifications. However, the ultimate goal, Aigars says, is a much more budget-friendly DIY package that can be assembled with basic tools. The BeTriton is available for preorder, and those residing in Latvia can schedule a two-day trial rental.
“I think all of us, especially kids, you know, everyone wants to be a captain, right? You wear a captain’s hat. And then everyone likes a bit of a toy house like a play house or tiny house, and then that’s that right? And then plus it moves on the road. So, I think it’s about that, I guess. I mean, it’s about not growing old.In my soul, in my heart, I mean, I’m definitely that same 12 year-old boy who just wants to see the world in a very magical kind of way. And I think, you know, if we have these kind of tools and equipment to discover in these new and exciting ways, then, let’s do it,” said Aigars.
Originally published by: Business Insider