The Magnus Effect from Sport to Microscopy

Whether you’re familiar with the Magnus effect, you’ve witnessed it in action, often surprising opponents in sports like football, cricket, or baseball.
This phenomenon is when a spinning ball deviates from its expected path. Beyond sports, engineers use it to propel specific types of ships and aircraft, employing devices like the “Flettner rotor.”
Microscopic Magnus Effect
Researchers at the University of Konstanz and the University of Göttingen have revealed the presence of the Magnus effect at a microscopic scale. Through experimentation and scientific explanation, they’ve opened new possibilities.
The newfound understanding of the Magnus effect on a microscopic level holds promise for various applications. It could lead to the development of mechanisms for precise control and movement of tiny particles. Additionally, it might pave the way for miniature robots navigating the bloodstream to target specific locations within the body.
Understanding the Magnus Effect
The Magnus effect typically occurs when a rotating object moves through air or a liquid. The rotation causes variations in velocity around the thing, creating a force that deflects it from its straight path. As the object size decreases, this effect diminishes.
In experiments at the University of Konstanz, researchers observed a surprisingly substantial Magnus effect in miniature magnetic glass spheres. These spheres, set in rotation by a magnetic field, moved through a viscoelastic fluid at a constant speed. Unlike water, viscoelastic fluids, such as blood or polymer solutions, exhibit both fluid and elastic properties.

The Role of Delay
Dr. Debankur Das and Professor Matthias Krüger from the University of Göttingen developed a model highlighting delay’s role in the microscopic Magnus effect. The viscoelastic fluid surrounding the rotating sphere doesn’t respond immediately, causing distortion.
The distortion in the viscoelastic fluid rotates with the sphere, pushing it off course. This coupling of rotation and translation is a crucial aspect of the microscopic Magnus effect. Even when the rotation stops abruptly, unlike a sports ball in the air, the Magnus effect persists for a few seconds in miniature spheres in viscoelastic fluids.
Krüger explains that their model predicted the after-effect, and this observation from experimental data helped unravel the mystery of the Magnus effect at a microscopic level.
Read the original article on PHYS.
Read more: Theoretical Physicist: Quantum Theory Must be Replaced.