The Rise and Fall of Programming Languages

The Rise and Fall of Programming Languages


In the fast-paced world of technology, programming languages come and go. Let’s delve into the top 10 dying programming languages of 2024, why they’re fading away, and what this means for the future of coding.

1. Visual Basic 6

Visual Basic 6, developed by Microsoft in the 1990s, was once popular for building Windows desktop apps. However, with the rise of more modern frameworks like .NET and web-based applications, its popularity has waned.

2. Assembly Language

Assembly language, known for its efficiency but complexity, is declining as higher-level languages like C and C++ offer similar performance with easier syntax.

3. Fortran

Fortran, a language for scientific computing, is losing ground to languages like Python and R, which provide similar capabilities in a more user-friendly way.

4. Classic ASP

Classic ASP, a scripting language for web development, is being overshadowed by more modern frameworks like PHP, JSP, and Ruby on Rails.

5. Objective C++

A combination of Objective C and C++, this language is fading as Swift gains popularity for iOS and macOS development due to its modern features and easier learning curve.

6. Haskell

Haskell’s pure functional programming paradigm is powerful but complex, leading developers to opt for easier-to-learn languages like Python and R for data analysis.

7. Smalltalk

Smalltalk’s emphasis on object-oriented programming is overshadowed by languages like Java and Python, which have gained wider adoption in recent years.

8. Perl

Perl, once popular for text manipulation, faces competition from languages like Python, which offer similar capabilities in a more concise and readable syntax.

9. Objective C

Objective C, used for Apple platform development, is losing ground to Swift, a more modern language tailored for iOS and macOS apps.


COBOL, a language for business applications, is declining due to its cryptic syntax and lack of support for modern programming models like object-oriented programming.

Impact and Future

The decline of these languages reflects the ever-evolving landscape of programming. As new languages emerge and technology advances, developers need to stay updated to remain relevant in the industry. While these languages may fade, they also pave the way for newer, more efficient, and user-friendly languages to shape the future of coding.

Read more How to Become a Software Developer in 2024

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