Toxic Chemicals Launched in the Ohio Train Derailment Are Scary

Toxic Chemicals Launched in the Ohio Train Derailment Are Scary

Credit: The guardian.

The Norfolk Southern train derailment near East Palestine, Ohio on February 3, posed significant challenges beyond the strewn cars and ensuing fire. The most pressing concern was the 20 cars out of the 50 that derailed, which were carrying hazardous and toxic chemicals.

We currently know about those toxic chemicals

Following the Ohio train wreck, officials evacuated the area under threat from the potential for water and air contamination, especially if the fire caused an even more enormous explosion. To help fend off the danger of explosion, chemicals in five of the cars were knowingly launched into a trench and burnt off, reports Newsweek.

That had the potential to release toxic gases into the air. The United State Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been on the scene, monitoring air quality all over the area.

According to the EPA, four major toxic chemicals from the Ohio train wreck have already infected either air, water, or soil at the crash site. They consist of the following:

Vinyl chloride: An extremely flammable colorless gas utilized when making plastic is a known carcinogenic.

Butyl acrylate: A clear flammable liquid used in making paints can trigger skin, eyes, and breathing irritation.

Ethylhexyl acrylate: A colorless liquid utilized in making plastics and paints can produce hazardous vapors under heat.

Ethylene glycol monobutyl: A highly flammable colorless liquid utilized in making solvent is considered as acutely toxic.

Additional materials involved in the fire included petrochemicals and semolina.

The EPA is still performing air monitoring throughout the location of the Ohio train wreck and has not identified any levels of the issue because the blaze was extinguished. Halfway through screening 228 houses for indoor air pollution, the EPA has not detected vinyl chloride or hydrogen chloride.

During the train derailment, toxic chemicals spilled into waterways and Sulphur Run. Because of the occurrence, the EPA states Norfolk Southern contractors “installed a water bypass and a dam at Sulphur Run to avoid further contamination of downstream waters. They have likewise stopped spilling the remaining items onto the stream.”

Read the original article on Popular Mechanics.

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  • cumbonguala


    February 16, 2023 at 7:44 pm

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