Two Routes to Parkinson’s Disease May Indicate a Singular Method to Avoid Its Onset

Various theories regarding the progression of Parkinson’s disease may suggest that environmental factors play a substantial role, offering insights into preventative measures for a considerable portion of cases.
Investigation into Disease Origins
For a period, scientists have explored whether the progressive decline of neurons linked to Parkinson’s originates mainly from the olfactory nerves in the brain or nerves in the gastrointestinal tract.
An intriguing theory posited by a global team of researchers proposes that the onset of the neurodegenerative disease may commence with the dissemination of harmful proteins from either origin, triggered by potential environmental damage in both areas.

Role of Environmental Factors
Ultimately, substances breathed in through the nasal passages (affecting the brain’s olfactory region) and consumed through the digestive system could both contribute to Parkinson’s, according to the researchers – and forthcoming investigations are expected to elucidate these connections further.
“In both scenarios where the disease originates in the brain or the body, the pathology emerges from structures closely connected to external factors,” explains neurologist Ray Dorsey from the University of Rochester Medical Center.
“We suggest that Parkinson’s is a systemic ailment, with its initial origins likely beginning in the nasal and gastrointestinal systems, linked to environmental factors increasingly recognized as significant contributors, if not causes, of the disease.”
The team identifies chemicals from dry cleaning and degreasing, air pollution, herbicides, weed killers, and contaminated drinking water as potential environmental toxins that could initiate disruptions in brain function.
This disruption is believed to occur through the misfolding of the alpha-synuclein protein, leading to the formation of clumps known as Lewy bodies, which then damage many of the brain’s nerve cells, including those responsible for motor control.
Implications and Further Research
Although this study is primarily theoretical, it cites previously established associations between Parkinson’s and various environmental hazards. However, unraveling these connections with precision will require further investigation.
“These environmental toxins are widespread, yet not everyone develops Parkinson’s disease,” notes Dorsey.
“The timing, dosage, and duration of exposure, along with interactions with genetic and other environmental factors, are likely crucial in determining who ultimately develops Parkinson’s.”
The researchers acknowledge that this novel theory still has unresolved inquiries, including the potential involvement of the skin and microbiome, as well as how prolonged exposures over time may evolve disease susceptibility.
Indeed, exposures could frequently occur many years or even decades before the manifestation of Parkinson’s symptoms. However, adopting this new hypothetical framework for researching the disease should facilitate the investigation of whether these connections truly exist.
Dorsey remarks, “strengthening the notion that Parkinson’s, the fastest-growing brain disorder worldwide, could be largely preventable if driven by toxic substances.”
Read the Original Article on: Science Alert
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