Unlocking High Quality Confort in Super Hot Weather

In order to Unlocking High-Quality Confort in Super Hot Weather an architectural firm from Colombia called PAE has designed a small house that is built into the green hills of Anapoima, Colombia. The house, named Casa Caoba, is situated within a beautiful mango grove and has a simple design that embraces the lush outdoor surroundings. It is located 900 meters (2,953 ft) above sea level and is built on a stone foundation that conforms to the steep terrain.

Casa Caoba is made up of five parallel walls that extend outward, creating four living spaces within the house. The architects have also incorporated open walls in the structure, allowing for natural airflow throughout the entire home. To achieve this, the layout of the house minimizes long walls and includes openings in the shorter walls.

By seamlessly integrating the house with the natural landscape, the architects have created a space that harmonizes with its environment. The open-air design of Casa Caoba creates different microclimates. It uses the cool air from the mountainside to naturally cool the house, while the walls help regulate the temperature inside. This is especially important in this region, which experiences high temperatures throughout the year.
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