Watch Live: EarthCARE Satellite Reveals Cloud Secrets

Watch Live: EarthCARE Satellite Reveals Cloud Secrets

Clouds are not well understood. The soon-to-launch EarthCARE satellite will employ advanced technology to uncover their mysteries, helping scientists improve climate forecasts.
The EarthCARE satellite will unravel the mysteries of clouds using advanced tech

Clouds are not well understood. The soon-to-launch EarthCARE satellite will employ advanced technology to uncover their mysteries, helping scientists improve climate forecasts.

While the formation of clouds is known, the intricate relationship between clouds and the aerosols required to form them remains elusive. EarthCARE, short for Earth Cloud Aerosol and Radiation Explorer, aims to provide answers.

“EarthCARE: Joint ESA-JAXA Project Launching May 28th”

Indeed, the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) are collaborating on EarthCARE, scheduled to launch on May 28th.

Moreover, equipped with advanced instruments like lidar and radar, it will enhance our understanding of how clouds contribute to the heating and cooling of Earth’s atmosphere.

The video below offers a simple explanation of how clouds affect our climate and the technology EarthCARE will use to gather data.

Unravelling the mysteries of clouds

Introducing ‘Hakuryu‘ – The White Dragon of EarthCARE

Following the Japanese tradition of giving satellites nicknames, JAXA has named EarthCARE ‘Hakuryu,’ meaning ‘White Dragon,’ which reflects its white body and tail-like solar panel.

The name is especially fitting since 2024 is the Japanese Year of the Dragon (tatsu-doshi), adding an extra layer of auspiciousness.

Scientists will utilize data from EarthCARE to examine the interactions between clouds, aerosols, and radiation, leading to more accurate climate models and forecasts.

EarthCARE is a joint venture between ESA and JAXA, who’ve nicknamed the satellite ‘White Dragon’

To conclude, a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket will launch the satellite from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California at 00:20 CEST on May 28th. You can watch the official live broadcast on ESA’s YouTube channel or ESA WebTV.

Read the original article on: New Atlas

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