We Ultimately Know When Our Milky Way Will Crash Into the Andromeda Galaxy
Our Galaxy galaxy will undoubtedly endure in its present kind of bit longer than some astronomers had believed, a new research study suggests.

According to the new research study, the violent collision between our Milky Way and fellow spiral galaxy Andromeda will certainly happen 4.5 billion years from now, based on observations made by Europe’s Gaia spacecraft. Some notable previous estimates had forecasted the crash would undoubtedly take place dramatically faster would happen much sooner, in approximately 3.9 billion years.
” This discovery is important to our understanding of exactly how galaxies evolve as well as interact,” Gaia project researcher Timo Prusti that was not associated with the research stated in a declaration.
Launched in December of 2013, Gaia was meant to aid researchers in creating the very best 3D map of the galaxy ever created. The spacecraft has been strictly monitoring the placements and motions of a large number of stars and various other cosmic objects; the mission team intends to track greater than 1 billion stars by the time Gaia shuts its sharp eyes forever.
Many of the stars Gaia is observing are in our galaxy, but some are in close-by galaxies. In the brand-new study, the scientists tracked many stars in our galaxy, in Andromeda (also known as M31) and in the spiral Triangulum (or M33). Study team members claimed that these neighbor galaxies are within 2.5 million to 3 million light-years of the Milky Way and may interact with each other.
” We had to examine the galaxies’ activities in 3D to discover how they have grown and also evolved and also what develops and impacts their features as well as behavior,” lead author Roeland van der Marel, of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, claimed in the same declaration.
” We did this utilizing the second package of high-grade data provided by Gaia,” van der Marel added, describing a haul released in April 2018.

According to the researchers, this work allowed the team to determine the rotation rates of both M31 and M33 — something never done before. The research team, equipped with the Gaia-derived findings and analyses of archival information, mapped out how M31 and M33 have moved through space in the past and their new probable course over the next few billion years.
The team’s models provide a date for the Andromeda-Milky Way collision later than expected, suggesting that it will be more similar to a sideswipe than a head-on collision. (Because the distances between stars are so big, the chances of our solar system being disturbed by the merging are reduced. However, the collision will liven up the night sky for any creatures on Earth 4.5 billion years from now.).
” Gaia was designed mainly for mapping stars within the Galaxy– yet this new research study shows that the satellite is going beyond the expected and can provide distinctive insights about the structure and dynamics of galaxies beyond our own,” Prusti claimed. “The longer [that] Gaia surveys the small movements of these galaxies across the skies, the more exact our measurements will end up being.”.
The new research study was released in February 2019 in The Astrophysical Journal.
By the way, Andromeda will not be the next galaxy our Galaxy bangs right into: The Big Magellanic Cloud and also Milky Way will combine concerning 2.5 billion years from now, a recent research study suggested.
Originally published on Space.com. Read the original article.