Webb Unveils Previously Unseen Formations within the Renowned Supernova

The James Webb Space Telescope from NASA has initiated its examination of the famous supernova, SN 1987A, situated 168,000 light-years distant in the Large Magellanic Cloud. This supernova has been under extensive scrutiny for nearly four decades, spanning from gamma rays to radio waves, since its detection in February 1987. Fresh observations using Webb’s NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) offer a vital piece of the puzzle in our comprehension of the gradual evolution of a supernova and its subsequent remnant formation.
This image showcases a central configuration reminiscent of a keyhole. This central region is densely populated with clumpy gas and dust that was expelled during the supernova explosion. The dust is so compact that even the near-infrared light detected by Webb cannot pass through it, creating the dark “hole” within the keyhole shape.
Hot Spots and Emissions Beyond the Ring
Surrounding the inner keyhole is a vibrant, equatorial ring, creating a belt-like structure that connects two faint arms forming the outer rings, which resemble an hourglass. This equatorial ring is composed of material ejected tens of thousands of years prior to the supernova explosion and contains bright, hot spots. These hot spots emerged as the supernova’s shock wave collided with the ring. Now, similar spots are present even beyond the ring, accompanied by diffuse emissions around it. These spots mark the locations where the supernova shocks have encountered external material.
Crescent-Like Structures Unveiled
Although NASA’s Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescopes and Chandra X-ray Observatory have observed these structures to some extent, the unmatched sensitivity and spatial resolution of Webb have unveiled a novel feature within this supernova remnant: small crescent-like formations.

These crescent shapes are believed to constitute portions of the outer layers of gas propelled out from the supernova explosion. Their brightness may be a result of limb brightening, an optical phenomenon caused by our perspective of viewing the expanding material in three dimensions. In simpler terms, our viewing angle creates the illusion of there being more material in these two crescent regions than there might actually be.
Webb’s Remarkable Image Resolution
The exceptional resolution of these images is also worth noting. Prior to Webb, the now-retired Spitzer telescope observed this supernova in the infrared spectrum throughout its entire lifecycle, providing essential data on how its emissions evolved over time. However, it never achieved the same level of clarity and detail when observing the supernova.
The Absent Neutron Star
Despite decades of research since the initial discovery of the supernova, there are still several unsolved mysteries, particularly concerning the neutron star that should have formed in the aftermath of the supernova explosion. Much like Spitzer, Webb will continue to monitor the supernova’s progress over time.
Its NIRSpec (Near-Infrared Spectrograph) and MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument) tools will enable astronomers to gather new, high-quality infrared data over time, shedding light on the recently identified crescent structures. Furthermore, Webb will maintain its collaboration with Hubble, Chandra, and other observatories, contributing fresh insights into both the historical and future aspects of this legendary supernova.
Read the original article on: Phys Org
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