Wheat Gene Discovery Could Boost Yields and Climate Resilience

Wheat Gene Discovery Could Boost Yields and Climate Resilience

Scientists have uncovered new insights into the role of a well-known wheat gene, Photoperiod-1 (Ppd-1), which affects wheat yield. This knowledge could enhance farm productivity and help wheat crops adapt to changing climates in major grain-growing areas.
Two images of a wheat spike. The top image is a spike from an alog1 mutant, with additional spikelets highlighted in pink. The bottom image is a normal spike from a plant without the edited gene. Credit: University of Adelaide

Scientists have uncovered new insights into the role of a well-known wheat gene, Photoperiod-1 (Ppd-1), which affects wheat yield. This knowledge could enhance farm productivity and help wheat crops adapt to changing climates in major grain-growing areas.

Ppd-1 is commonly used by breeders to ensure that wheat flowers and sets grain earlier in the season, thereby avoiding the harsh summer conditions. Dr. Scott Boden, a Future Fellow at the University of Adelaide’s School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, explains, “Photoperiod-1 has significantly improved varieties in regions like Australia, India, and Southern Europe.”

However, early flowering lines can sometimes produce fewer seeds due to changes in their floral structure, or spike. This study aimed to understand the effect of Ppd-1 on the developing spike by examining the molecular pathways it controls, particularly during the formation of grain-bearing florets and spikelets, Boden told Cosmos.

Our research offers new targets for breeders to improve yield potential or to synchronize flowering with favorable conditions, which will be increasingly important as the climate continues to change,” Boden added.

Field Trials to Test Gene-Edited Wheat

Boden’s research team is advancing their work through field trials at the University’s Research Enclosure to test the performance of gene-edited lines under real-world conditions.

Coincidentally, German researchers found a similar effect of the ALOG1 transcription factor in barley, offering exciting insights into the evolution of the simpler inflorescences in wheat and barley compared to the more branched patterns seen in rice and corn.

As the world’s largest wheat exporter, Australia produced a record 36.2 million tonnes in 2022.

Wheat provides 20% of the human diet’s calories and protein. To ensure food security for a growing global population, scientists and breeders must increase wheat grain yields by 60-70% by 2050,” Boden explained.

Our study is crucial as it identifies gene targets that can be used with modern technologies like transformation and gene editing to create new diversity and improve crop productivity.

We expect our research to uncover more genes that control spikelet and floret development in wheat, aiding strategies to boost yield potential.”

Boden and his team have been working on this project for about seven years, splitting efforts between Adelaide and the John Innes Centre in the UK, where Boden previously worked.

Findings Expected to Benefit All Wheat Varieties

He emphasized the global relevance of their research: The knowledge gained should apply to all wheat varieties. One of the lines we used includes a Photoperiod-1 variant common in Australian breeding, so many discoveries should be transferable to local varieties.

“We also expect the research to benefit breeders worldwide, especially in countries like India, Pakistan, Mexico, and China, where breeders commonly use Photoperiod-1 variation to modify flowering time.”

The fundamental research breakthroughs might benefit farmers in 5 to 7 years, although the exact timeline is uncertain, as is typical with foundational science.

“It’s unclear how this will directly apply to farmers,” says Boden.

Commercially, researchers used CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editing to create the mutant lines that verify gene function, so releasing these seeds may require licenses if further analysis demonstrates their benefit to farmers.

“For the gene expression work, however, we believe the results could immediately benefit breeders by identifying genes to target in breeding programs to enhance fertility.

“We also expect our findings to aid other wheat researchers in pinpointing genes that control key yield-related traits, with potential benefits reaching farmers in 5-10 years.

Potential for Enhanced Grain Yield and Future Release

We are conducting a GMO field trial this year to determine if the mutant line improves grain yield. If successful, we’ll incorporate these edits into elite lines, which could be released in 5-7 years, depending on CRISPR licensing requirements.”

This genetic understanding of wheat comes at a crucial time as farmers adapt to climate change driven by greenhouse gases and fossil fuel emissions.

Flowering time is crucial for farmers; early flowering lines risk frost damage, while late flowering lines face end-of-season heat and drought,” Boden explains.

We expect the traditional optimum flowering period will shift with the climate, requiring new varieties that provide farmers with different sowing and flowering strategies. One of the lines identified here could support new flowering time strategies, particularly in multi-cropping systems.”

Read the original article on: Cosmos

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