Why Are Young People Drinking Less?

Why Are Young People Drinking Less?

Young people today drink less alcohol than older generations like millennials, Gen X, and boomers. Scientists from Australia and Sweden wonder why, but they say we don’t have enough research yet to know for sure.

Before, millennials got blamed for everything that declined, like department stores and cable TV. Now, attention is on the younger generation, Gen Z, who grew up with the internet and social media. They’re drinking less, and researchers want to know why.

Girl are Drinking More

Gen Z is sometimes called the “sober-curious generation.” They see alcohol more as an occasional treat than a regular drink like older generations do. Research shows that boys in Gen Z are drinking less than girls, which is changing the usual pattern.

It’s not just about personality; everyone seems to be drinking less, not just certain types of people. Some think young people are turning to cannabis instead, especially as it becomes more accepted. But cannabis use among young people isn’t going down.


Young people might be worried about how alcohol affects their emotions or health. They might choose soft drinks instead because they’re lower in calories. But if they’re drinking less, are they avoiding the health problems linked to alcohol?

Some studies show that as young people drink less, there are fewer alcohol-related problems like alcohol disorders and poisonings. But other research, like one from 2020, says more young people in the US are getting sick from alcohol-related liver disease.

Researchers say we need more studies to understand how drinking less affects health. They also want to know how illegal drugs fit into the picture and what good and bad things come from young people drinking less. Old ideas about why young people drink might not apply anymore, so we need new ways to help them make decisions about alcohol.

Read the Original Article IFL SCIENCE

Read more Drinking Non-Alcoholic Beverages Reduces Excessive Alcohol Intake

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  • Marcílio Santos

    I like this article very informative and important for the younger generation.

    February 27, 2024 at 12:33 pm

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