Search Results - Climate Change

The Impact of Climate Change on the Transmission of Malaria

Credit: Pixabay A recent study suggests that a novel model for forecasting the influence of climate change on malaria transmission in Africa might pave the way for more precise interventions aimed at controlling the disease. Previous techniques relied on rainfall measurements to infer the presence of surface water conducive to mosquito breeding. However, a study led...

Wine Growers at Africa’s Tip Adapt to Climate Change

Replanting is done in phases, with old vines notably Chenin keeping up production while the new ones grow. On a South African wine estate, piles of dry, uprooted grapevines lie at the base of a barren, hilly terrain. Vineyards are replanting to adapt to climate change, anticipating infrequent but intense rainfall in the wine region. From Australia...

Ant Colonies in Colorado are Relocating due to Climate Change

Credit: Pixabay New research published in the journal Ecology on April 9 reveals that certain ant species have been compelled to vacate their original habitats in Gregory Canyon near Boulder, Colorado, over the last six decades due to their inability to withstand rising temperatures driven by climate change. According to Anna Paraskevopoulos, a Ph.D. student at...

Scientific Boldness: A Holistic Solution for Climate Change, Biodiversity, and Social Justice

Credit: Unsplash. An international team of scientists, led by researchers from Oregon State University, has proposed a groundbreaking "restorative" pathway to navigate humanity away from the dire ecological and social consequences of climate change. Utilizing a unique 500-year dataset, the team suggests that their paradigm-shifting plan not only outlines a new trajectory for society but also contributes...

Climate Change Intensifies Wildfires and Prolongs Fire Seasons

The New York Times Wildfires, among the nation's most devastating natural calamities, threaten lives, property, and the environment by causing air pollution and destroying homes and infrastructure. Effective wildfire forecasting and management hinge upon understanding the risk and strategically allocating resources. A recent study, detailed in the November release of Earth's Future, brings scientific insights...

Climate Change May Disrupt Future Solar Generation, According to Modeling

Eventos disruptivos de geração solar, chamados rampas, mudarão significativamente no futuro. Credit: Pixaobay The stability of grid-connected solar power systems in Australia's renewable energy transition should take into account the potential impact of climate change, which may affect their future performance. Modeling conducted by researchers at UNSW Sydney indicates that disruptive solar generation events, known as...

Climate Change’s Impact on Extreme-Weather Events

Credit: Unsplash. In a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Professor Michael Mann from the University of Pennsylvania and his colleagues from Clemson University, the University of California Los Angeles, and Columbia University explored the impact of climate change on exacerbating compound heat and drought situations. The research provides valuable insights...

Insect Communities May Face Significant Disruption and Disorder Due to Climate Change

Credit: Unsplash. What occurs when climate change is introduced into the equation is the potential for the emergence of new species worldwide, as various organism groups become distinct and follow separate evolutionary paths. In the publication "Contrasting effects of warming in diverging insects," which was recently released in Ecology Letters, Thomas H.Q. Powell, an assistant lecturer...

Bangladesh Develops Innovations to Fight Climate Change

People moving under heavy rain in Bangladesh. Credit: Newshour. Bangladesh, a country with low-lying topography, contributes only 0.5% of the global carbon emissions. Despite its minimal carbon footprint, Bangladesh bears a disproportionate burden of the consequences of climate change caused by such emissions. Nevertheless, Bangladesh is actively developing innovative methods to forecast and safeguard against...

Climate Change: ‘Sand Battery’ Can Fix Environment-Friendly Energy’s Significant Problem

The sand battery has been installed and is functioning well according to the power company Finnish scientists have set up the globe's first completely working "sand battery," which can save environment-friendly power for months at once. The designers claim this can resolve the trouble of year-round supply, a significant issue for eco-friendly power. Using low-grade sand, the...