Search Results - anatomy

Preserving Dignity: American Association for Anatomy Takes a Stand Against Exploitation of Human Body Donors

The American Association for Anatomy (AAA) strongly opposes the buying and selling of body parts from Harvard Medical School's body donation program. We think it's wrong to treat human body donors like products to make money. We feel for the families who have been affected by this situation. Everyone deserves respect and dignity, even after...

US Man Dies After Wrong Organ Removal – Surge in Surgical Errors Raises Alarm

Credit: Pixabay A 70-year-old Alabama man recently passed away in a Florida hospital after a surgeon mistakenly removed his liver instead of his spleen. Such errors, known as "never events" because they should never occur, are unfortunately more common than they should be. Never events include operating on the wrong organ or side of the body, inserting...

New Fossil Fish Species Bolsters Evidence of Earth’s Evolutionary Progress

A live recreation of the Ngamugawi wirngarri coelacanth in its natural habitat. P3D graphic credit: Katrina Kenny. Credit: Illustration Katrina Kenny (courtesy Flinders University) "Groundbreaking" new fossil research reveals that climate change, asteroids, and plate tectonics are interconnected with the origins and extinction of animals, highlighting the significant evolutionary role of these factors. A recent study...

Neo Beta Humanoid Revealed Ahead of Limited Household Release

1X has introduced the next generation of its humanoid robots, the Neo Beta1X In February, Norway's 1X showcased its progress with Eve, a pick-and-place workplace humanoid. Now, the OpenAI-backed company has released video footage of its newest prototype, a bipedal butlerbot called Neo Beta. Eve doesn't walk on two legs but moves on wheels at speeds...

Five Distinct Patterns of Brain Aging Uncovered by 50,000 Scans

Some parts of the brain tend to atrophy and deform in concert with other regions. Credit: Zephyr/SPL A comprehensive analysis of nearly 50,000 brain scans has identified five unique patterns of brain atrophy linked to aging and neurodegenerative diseases. The study also connected these patterns to lifestyle factors such as smoking and alcohol consumption, as...

Study Suggests Hepatitis E Might Be Sexually Transmitted

Researchers have discovered that the hepatitis E virus (HEV) is associated with sperm in pigs, suggesting it may be sexually transmitted and linked to male infertility, according to a study in PLOS Pathogens. HEV, the leading cause of acute viral liver infection worldwide, is prevalent in pigs in the U.S. Though the virus is...

Mastering a Handy Third Thumb Might be Easier than you Imagine

Haven't you sometimes wished that you had a third thumb?Dani Clode While adding an extra thumb might seem daunting, a recent study suggests most people mastered its use within a minute, challenging this notion. The Third Thumb gained attention in 2017 when British designer Danielle Clode developed it as her Master's project at the Royal...

The Importance of the Anus in Animal Evolution

Credit: Canvas Today, let's talk about a part of the body that doesn't get much attention but is incredibly important: the anus. This little opening at the end of our digestive tract is essential for our survival and the survival of many animals on Earth. The Journey of Digestion Inside your body, the digestive system is a...

How are Robots Helping in Personalized Knee Replacement Surgery

Regardless of the situation, Dr. Star mentions that the most common response from patients who have undergone knee replacement surgery is that they regret not doing it earlier. Total knee replacement surgery is a very common procedure where a damaged knee joint is replaced with an artificial one. In the U.S., about 790,000 of these...

T. Rex Not as Intelligent as We Once Believed

We still wouldn't call a T. rex not that clever to their face. Credit: Pixabay Although we prefer not to speak negatively about extinct creatures, recent physiological analysis suggests that the Tyrannosaurus rex, once thought to be highly intelligent, may not have been as clever as previously believed. This challenges earlier research from last year that compared...