Applied Science

Chinese Humanoid Factory Video Returns to the Uncanny Valley

Still frame from a video shot inside a humanoid robot factory in ChinaExRobotsA brief video circulating on social media today has stirred concern, as it offers a glimpse inside a Chinese factory producing humanoid robots. The video showcases a series of lifelike humanoids in various stages of construction, featuring remarkably realistic appearances with partially...

What’s Next as Brain Implants Become Obsolete?

Credit: DepositphotosThe significant progress in implantable neurological technology has provided relief for many individuals with neurological conditions, returning them to a semblance of normalcy. However, with its rapid evolution, there arises the question of what happens when these implants become outdated or if their manufacturer ceases operations.Evolution of Implantable Neurological DevicesRemarkable advancements in medical...

Unleashing Your Brain’s Full Potential: Debunking the 10% Myth

Credit: CanvasHave you ever wondered what your brain could achieve if it worked at full capacity? You might have heard the myth that we only use 10% of our brains, but the truth is far more fascinating.Your brain is an incredible organ, and while it's smaller than a whale's, it's perfectly designed to help...

Who’d Have Thought Robotic Bee Swarms Could be so Captivating?

Festo's latest bio-inspired robot is capable of autonomous flight and computer-controlled swarming behaviorFestoOver the years, Festo's Bionic Learning Network has unveiled remarkable nature-inspired flying robots, but the autonomous BionicBee stands out as the smallest and the first capable of swarming.Annually, Festo showcases its latest automation innovations at Hannover Messe, the premier industrial technology...

Check Out this Video of an Agile Humanoid Robot

The S1's dexterity could make it a great helper in the kitchenAstribotAlthough humanoid robots are becoming increasingly common, the latest model from Astribot stands out for its exceptional speed and precision. Prepare to be amazed!The AI-driven humanoid robot landscape is becoming increasingly crowded, akin to the bustling cereal aisle in your neighborhood supermarket. Last...

How to Identify your Learning Style: A Dynamic Journey

Credit: CanvasIn the vast realm of learning, we embark on a journey to uncover the mysteries of our unique styles. Some say there are four main paths to knowledge; others argue there are seven. Today, we delve into the four primary styles of learning, each a universe unto itself, waiting for us to explore...

Unveiling the Mysteries of the Runner’s High: The Neuroscience Behind the Euphoria

Revealing the Enigma of the Runner's High. Thought you had the post-workout rush all figured out? Prepare for a surprise twist. Credit: Unsplash.The "runner's high" phenomenon has long divided enthusiasts into two camps: fervent believers and adamant skeptics. While not everyone experiences a euphoric rush following vigorous exercise, the runner's high is tangible. But what sparks...

AI robots can Now Self-Repair Other Bots

The Aloha Unleashed manipulator arms set up a robot repair shop, seen here autonomously replacing the gripper of another service robotAyzaan WahidIn January, researchers demonstrated the culinary abilities of an open-source Aloha housekeeping robot. Now, the Unleashed project tackles tasks like tying shoelaces, hanging shirts, and even repairing other robots.The Aloha Unleashed initiative involves...

Goodbye, Atlas, the Agile, Spinning Robot Wonder

Boston Dynamics is saying farewell to its groundbreaking humanoid robot, AtlasOriginal image from Boston DynamicsAfter nearly a decade of remarkable accomplishments, Boston Dynamics has bid goodbye to Atlas, the world's most innovative and groundbreaking humanoid robot.New Atlas has closely tracked Atlas' advancements over the years. Starting in 2015, when an enhanced, untethered Atlas was...

Hugs Ease Pain, Anxiety, and Depression, Science Finds

Credit: PixabayYou might have suspected it, and now science confirms: Hugs benefit both physical and mental health.A recent review of 212 studies reveals that hugs and other forms of physical touch offer health benefits across all age groups.Pooling the results of numerous studies, researchers from Ruhr University Bochum in Germany and the Netherlands Institute...