Search Results - ecologic

NASA at Your Table: Climate Change and Its Ecological Influence On Plant Growth

All over the world, farming methods have been established as a feature of topography, soil type, plant kind, yearly rainfall, and custom. This mosaic of six images from the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Discharge and Representation Radiometer (ASTER) sensing unit on NASA's Terra satellite shows differences in field geometry and size in different parts of...

Earth’s Water is Rapidly Losing Oxygen, Creating a Major Threat

Credit: Pixabay The levels of dissolved oxygen in the world's water bodies are dropping quickly, and scientists consider this a major threat to Earth's life support system. Much like atmospheric oxygen is crucial for animals, dissolved oxygen (DO) is key for the health of aquatic ecosystems, whether in freshwater or marine environments. Given that billions of...

Pre-Dinosaur Predator: Gaiasia, the Giant of Permian Swamps

Artist Gabriel Lio's depiction of Gaiasia jennyae, a massive amphibious predator from the Permian era. Long before dinosaurs dominated the Earth, another formidable predator thrived in its environment. Gaiasia, resembling a large salamander, roamed the Permian swamps. Unlike the cute axolotl, Gaiasia jennyae was a massive amphibian measuring approximately 2.5 m (8.2 ft) in length,...

Rainforest’s Next Tree Generation at Risk 30 Years Post-Logging

An unlogged tropical forest in Danum Valley, Malaysian Borneo. Credit: Pixaobay Recent research indicates that seedlings in natural rainforests have higher survival rates compared to areas previously subjected to logging, despite efforts of tree restoration projects. This study is featured in Global Change Biology. Researchers monitored over 5,000 seedlings for eighteen months in North Borneo. They...

E-waste Recycling Yields Significant Profits

Using a food industry byproduct, researchers have extracted 22-karat gold from old motherboardsDepositphotos Researchers have discovered a novel technique for reclaiming high-purity gold from discarded electronics, generating a return of US$50 for every dollar invested. Surprisingly, they found the crucial gold-filtering material in an unexpected source: cheese production. Gold has been revered by societies for thousands...

Rare Giant Turtle Found Nesting and Breeding

If this creature can find a mate, then there's hope for everyone. Image credit: Ayushi Jain Allow us to introduce you to one of the flattest creatures out there: the Asian giant softshell turtle (Pelochelys cantorii). Thanks to insights from the local community, researchers have recently uncovered the species' inaugural nesting female and breeding population. Regrettably,...

Study Alerts to Imminent Alien Earthworm Invasion

The jumping worm (Amynthas agrestis) is one of at least 70 alien earthworm species in North AmericaJohn W. Reynolds A recent study from Stanford highlights the infiltration of numerous non-native earthworm species into North American soil over the past century. The study emphasizes the need for increased awareness of these invaders and their potential significant...

Rare Insect Makes Remarkable Comeback from Near-Extinction

Lord Howe Island Stick Insect (Dryococelus australis) (Zoos Victoria) Just 20 to 30 'tree lobsters' are left in their natural habitat, and this vulnerable group was found again in 2001, 80 years after being thought extinct.The wild Lord Howe Island stick insects (Dryococelus australis) currently cling to survival on Ball's Pyramid, a nearly vertical volcanic outcrop.San...

Scientific Boldness: A Holistic Solution for Climate Change, Biodiversity, and Social Justice

Credit: Unsplash. An international team of scientists, led by researchers from Oregon State University, has proposed a groundbreaking "restorative" pathway to navigate humanity away from the dire ecological and social consequences of climate change. Utilizing a unique 500-year dataset, the team suggests that their paradigm-shifting plan not only outlines a new trajectory for society but also contributes...

COP28 Endorses a Path for the Gradual Phase-Out of Fossil Fuels

Announcement of the agreement at COP28. AMR ALFIKY Well beyond the COP 28 deadline, representatives from over 200 countries have finally reached an historic agreement for a transition away from fossil fuels. The approved text calls for a fair, orderly, and equitable transition in energy systems, accelerating action in this crucial decade to achieve carbon...