Search Results - ecologic

Something Mysteriously Eliminated About 90 Percent of Sharks 19 Million Years Ago

Credit: GERARD SOURY/THE IMAGE BANK/GETTY IMAGES Around 19 million years ago, something horrible happened to sharks. Fossils amassed from sediments in the Pacific Ocean reveal a previously unidentified and shocking shark extinction event. During this event, the populations of the predators abruptly dropped by as much as 90 percent, researchers report in the journal Science on June 4....

Recently Developed Evolved Enzymes to Produce Renewable Isobutene

A new research study published on September 7 details an innovation in developing advanced enzymes to sustain a renewable process to produce one of the vital products of the chemical industry (isobutene), used everywhere from beauty products to fuel. The freshly published discoveries are the outcome of collective work between Global Bioenergies and the team...

The Warming Climate is Triggering Animals to ‘Shapeshift’

Climate change is not only a human concern; animals have to adjust to it too. Some "warm-blooded" animals are shapeshifting and getting bigger beaks, legs, and ears to manage their body temperatures better as the planet's temperature increases. Bird scientist Sara Ryding of Deakin University in Australia explains these modifications in a review released...

Last-Mile Routing Research Challenge Awards Honor $175,000 to Three Winning Groups

Routing is among the most investigated matters in an operations research study; even tiny enhancements in routing efficiency can save companies money and cause energy savings and lowered ecological impacts. Currently, three groups of scientists from universities worldwide have obtained cash prizes amounting to $175,000 for their ingenious route optimization models. The three groups were...

Just a Few Usual Bacteria Account for Most of the Carbon Use in Soil

Bacterial “miners” shown in relief working to process soil nutrients, some more efficiently than others. Bradyrhizobium, one of the three top nutrient processors identified in the study, is shown here consolidating its control of carbon from a glucose addition, processing the nutrients with industrial efficiency (in the form of a bucket wheel excavator). Credit:...

Without Evolutionary Genetic Variation, Asexual Invasive Species Discover New Techniques of Adjusting to Their Environment

A Naupactus cervinus weevil, a common, yet invasive species in many parts of the world, is seen eating a leaf. Credit: Courtesy of Analia Lanteri/Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo de La Plata, Argentina Research from Wellesley University reveals that despite being a clonal insect variety, weevils utilize genetics policy to adjust to brand-new food...

Genetically Modified Trees are Seen as a Solution by These Scientists to Absorb Excess Carbon in the World

Credit: Lead Image © Mulderphoto / Adobe Stock In grade school, Charles DeLisi had his first indication of changes in the environment. He lived in a very wooded area, with trees filling his neighborhood, which was very fortunate since he loved to play in the forest. However, one of the saddest events of his...

Branches Of Chemistry

Chemistry is the study of chain reactions taking place in between the various elements and also substances. This is among the significant branches of the Scientific research stream after Physics and also Biology. Whatever around us uses up space, and mass is referred to as 'matter,' which is mainly constructed from the small bits...