Search Results - quantum computer

The First Application of a Swedish Quantum Computer to Chemistry has Taken Place

The quantum computer at Chalmers with the outer shielding of the dilution refrigerator removed. Credit: Microsoft. The potential of quantum computer to revolutionize the field of chemistry and enable the simulation of complex chemical processes could have significant implications for the development of new pharmaceuticals and materials. Recently, researchers at Chalmers University successfully carried out...

Why Selling Quantum Computing is Easier Than Selling a Quantum Computer

Credit: The Quantum Inside With dozens of start-ups in the emerging field of quantum computing, alongside giants like IBM, Microsoft, Amazon, and Google, the possibility of producing revenue from what is essentially a research and development venture is daunting. Publicly-traded quantum start-ups such as IonQ and D-Wave Systems, which do not have a non-quantum line...

China’s New Quantum Computer Has One Million Times The Power Of Google’s

An abstract depiction of a data channel. Credit: spainter_vfx / iStock. In July this year, a group in China showed that it has the world's most powerful quantum computer, finally leapfrogging Google, which declared to have achieved quantum supremacy back in 2019. Since then, China was touting a super-advanced 66-qubit quantum supercomputer called "Zuchongzhi" as...

Ordinary Computers Could Beat Google’s Quantum Computer After All

Even though conventional processors have bested Google’s Sycamore chip, they won’t hold their lead for long Superfast algorithm place crimp in 2019 claim that Google's machine had achieved "quantum supremacy." If the quantum computing era dawned three years earlier, its rising sun might have ducked behind a cloud. In 2019, Google scientists claimed they had passed...

A Strange Brand-New Phase Of Matter Developed In Quantum Computers Acts Like It Has Two-Time Dimensions

The Penrose tiling pattern is a type of quasicrystal, which means that it has an ordered yet never-repeating structure. The pattern, composed of two shapes, is a 2D projection of a 5D square lattice. Credit: None By shining a laser pulse series inspired by the Fibonacci numbers at atoms inside a quantum computer, physicists have...

Progression in Algorithms Makes Small, Loud Quantum Computer Systems Feasible

Quantum refers to the measurement and operations of particles and energy on subatomic scales. At this scale, things can appear as particles or waves and exist in more than one place at once. Credit: AGSANDREW/ISTOCKPHOTO. A new article in Nature Physics reported that instead of waiting for completely mature quantum computers to appear, Los Alamos...

A Breakthrough for Quantum Computer

The University of California, Waterfront, has won a University of California Multicampus-National Lab Collaborative Research and Training Award of $3.75 million, allowing the university to make scalable quantum computing possible. Quantum computers are foreseen to considerably outmatch the most effective traditional computer systems on specific jobs, such as modeling complex chemical procedures, finding large prime...

First Quantum Internet Connection Established

The team's quantum dot setup. Credit: Imperial College London For the first time, researchers have successfully generated, stored, and recalled quantum information, marking a significant milestone in quantum networking. Sharing quantum information is essential for advancing quantum networks used in distributed computing and secure communication. Quantum computing holds promise for tackling significant challenges like financial risk...

Scientists Unite Quantum Biology & AI for Gene Editing Accuracy

Credit: Mimi Hammad ORNL scientists used quantum biology, AI, and bioengineering to improve CRISPR Cas9 genome editing for microbes, boosting renewable fuel and chemical production. CRISPR is a powerful bioengineering tool, that alters genetic code for improved organism performance or mutation correction. CRISPR Cas9 targets and cleaves specific genome sites using a single guide RNA. Previous...

Advancing Quantum Computing: Extending Coherence Time for Charge Qubits

Credit: TS2 Space. Coherence stands as a pillar of effective communication, whether it is in writing, speaking, or information processing. This principle extends to quantum bits or qubits, the building blocks of quantum computing. A Quantum Leap in Coherence Time A team led by the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory has achieved a significant...