Author - cumbonguala

Boost Heart Health: Why Broccoli May Beat Carrots

A study at Edith Cowan University demonstrated that middle-aged and older Australian adults with elevated blood pressure significantly reduced their blood pressure by consuming four servings daily of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and kale, compared to root and squash vegetables. This effect is attributed to compounds such as glucosinolates found primarily in cruciferous vegetables,...

Scientists Say this Simple Dietary Change Can Improve Skin Health and Boost Immunity

Eating baby carrots three times a week significantly increases skin carotenoid levels in young adults, especially when combined with a beta carotene-containing multivitamin, suggesting a simple yet effective dietary strategy to boost antioxidant protection and overall health. Credit: PixabayA recent study found that snacking on baby carrots three times a week significantly increased skin...

One-Button Weight Adjustment Makes These Dumbbells Smart

The smartest dumbbells around are ideal for beginners or more experienced weight trainersKickstarterIn fitness, weight training can seem daunting and cumbersome, but research shows that even light strength exercises can boost metabolism for weight loss, prevent muscle loss with age, and improve sleep quality more than cardio activities.One major issue—aside from dealing with confusing...

Engineers are Creating a Jet-Powered Flying Robot for Disaster Response

Jets for hands plus two more on the jetpack: the iRonCub3 is being designed for fast disaster responseIstituto Italiano di TecnologiaImagine you're injured on a remote mountain trail and have contacted emergency services. If Italian research is successful, a small humanoid robot with a jetpack might be the first responder to reach you.This project,...

Preliminary Studies Suggest Manuka Honey Reduces Breast Cancer Cell Growth by 84%

Manuka honey, produced from nectar from the mānuka tree, has potent anticancer propertiesDepositphotosPreliminary studies indicate that Manuka honey can decrease breast cancer cell growth by 84% while sparing healthy cells and causing minimal side effects. This suggests potential for developing a natural, non-toxic cancer treatment, either as a supplement or a standalone therapy.Nutraceuticals—essentially a...