Tag - Technology

Decarbonize 85% of All Industries Using Current Technology

Researchers say the tools already exist to decarbonize industry by 85%AI-generated by DALL-E (love those grassy smokestacks!)The industrial sector contributes approximately 25% of worldwide CO2 emissions, equivalent to around 9.3 billion metric tonnes annually, and this figure is increasing. However, a group at the University of Leeds asserts that we don't have to rely...

Solar, Wood, and Bacteria Together in Water Purification

A group of scientists in China has created an innovative solar-powered contraption that effectively cleanses water, making it safe for consumption. Credit: eduardkraft/DepositphotosThe University of Science and Technology of China has made a breakthrough in water purification by introducing a unique wooden device that utilizes bacteria to construct essential nanostructures, enabling evaporation as a...

The Incredible Bank Technology

A young man withdrawing cash from the ATM. Credit Pexel.Bank technology refers to the various technological tools and systems that banks use to provide financial services to their customers. These technologies have transformed the banking industry, making transactions more convenient, secure and accessible.Some of the most important bank technologies include:Online Banking: Allow, customers accessing...

Technology is Saving You From Profound Levels of Boredom, And It is a Problem

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public DomainAccording to a new research, the continuous distraction of social networks could prevent our minds from settling into a more profound, more complete feeling of boredom. Which is a shame, given complete boredom can be fertile ground for technology.This 'profound' level of boredom is different to the first, superficial level of...