Author - Salomão André

SU(N) Matter Is About Three Billion Times Colder Than Deep Space

An artist’s conception of the complex magnetic correlations physicists have observed with a groundbreaking quantum simulator at Kyoto University that uses ytterbium atoms about 3 billion times colder than deep space. Different colors represent the six possible spin states of each atom. The simulator uses up to 300,000 atoms, allowing physicists to directly observe...

Japan’s Fugaku Supercomputer Powers Up Drug Discovery, Storm Forecasts

TOKYO-- Discovering brand-new drugs and also predicting severe weather is one of the tasks the Japanese-built Fugaku, 1 of the world's rapid supercomputer, has taken on as its applications broaden.Fugaku will certainly be at the center of a two-year experimental study research focused on a pharmaceutical development platform. The government-sponsored project, posted in July,...

Three Papers Highlight the Results Of Record 1.3 Megajoule Yield Experiment

On the one-year anniversary of achieving a yield of more than 1.3 megajoules at LLNL’s National Ignition Facility, the scientific results of this record experiment have been published in three peer-reviewed papers: one in Physical Review Letters and two in Physical Review E. This stylized image shows a cryogenic target used for these record-setting inertial fusion experiments. Credit:...

A Particle New To Physics Could Solve the Dark Matter Mystery

Anomalies in nuclear physics experiments may show signs of a new force.A team of scientists in Hungary currently published a paper that hints at the presence of a previously unknown subatomic particle. The group first reported finding traces of the particle in 2016, and they now report more traces in a different experiment.If the...

A novel form of matter known as “superionic” ice that is extremely hot has been discovered.

Researchers at Rochester’s Laboratory for Laser Energetics used the same setup at a recent study to create superionic ice, shown here in this artistic rendering. In that instance, the ice was not stable. Credit: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory illustration / Millot, Coppari, Hamel, Krauss.By subjecting a droplet of water to extreme temperatures similar to those...

A Quantum Double-slit Experiment Run with Molecules for the First time

Richard Feynman once stated that the double-slit experiment reveals the central challenges of quantum mechanics, putting us ''up against the and peculiarities of nature and paradoxes and mysteries''.Nandini Mukherjee, Richard Zare, and their co-workers at Stanford University, United States, have currently revealed that when helium (He) atoms collide with deuterium molecules (D2) in a quantum...