Author - Salomão André

Three Papers Highlight the Results Of Record 1.3 Megajoule Yield Experiment

On the one-year anniversary of achieving a yield of more than 1.3 megajoules at LLNL’s National Ignition Facility, the scientific results of this record experiment have been published in three peer-reviewed papers: one in Physical Review Letters and two in Physical Review E. This stylized image shows a cryogenic target used for these record-setting inertial fusion experiments. Credit:...

A Particle New To Physics Could Solve the Dark Matter Mystery

Anomalies in nuclear physics experiments may show signs of a new force.A team of scientists in Hungary currently published a paper that hints at the presence of a previously unknown subatomic particle. The group first reported finding traces of the particle in 2016, and they now report more traces in a different experiment.If the...

A novel form of matter known as “superionic” ice that is extremely hot has been discovered.

Researchers at Rochester’s Laboratory for Laser Energetics used the same setup at a recent study to create superionic ice, shown here in this artistic rendering. In that instance, the ice was not stable. Credit: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory illustration / Millot, Coppari, Hamel, Krauss.By subjecting a droplet of water to extreme temperatures similar to those...

A Quantum Double-slit Experiment Run with Molecules for the First time

Richard Feynman once stated that the double-slit experiment reveals the central challenges of quantum mechanics, putting us ''up against the and peculiarities of nature and paradoxes and mysteries''.Nandini Mukherjee, Richard Zare, and their co-workers at Stanford University, United States, have currently revealed that when helium (He) atoms collide with deuterium molecules (D2) in a quantum...