Author - Ngoma Manuel

New Study Helps Explain the Diversity of Life and “Paradox of Sex”

There are significant differences in species numbers among the major branches of the tree of life. Some groups of organisms have numerous species, while others have some. For example, animals, plants, and fungi each have more than 100,000 known species, how most of the others-- such as many algal and bacterial groups-- have 10,000...

MIT Researchers Devised a Means to Program Memories Into Microbial Cells by Revising Their DNA

MIT researchers have devised a way to program memories into bacterial cells by rewriting their DNA more efficiently. Credit: MIT News, iStockphotoOrganic engineers at MIT have created a brand-new way to edit bacterial genomes successfully and program memories right into microbial cells by revising their DNA. Using this technique, various spatial and temporal information...

Calling Through the DNA Cord: A Recently Discovered Genetic “Switch Over.”

Illustration. Credit: Yuval Robichek, Weizmann Institute of ScienceAccording to the Weizmann Institute of Scientific scientists, proteins can connect through DNA, performing a long-distance dialogue that functions as a type of genetic "switch." They discovered that the binding of proteins to one point of a DNA molecule could affect an additional binding point at a...

Neurotransmitter Levels in the Brain Can Predict Math Ability

Scanning was completed both during Time 1 and Time 2 (approximately 1.5 years later) in each of the 5 age groups (6-year-olds, 10-year-olds, 14-year-olds, 16-year-olds, and 18+-year-olds). Credit: Zacharopoulos G, et al., 2021, PLOS Biology, CC-BY 4.0The neurotransmitters GABA and glutamate have complementary functions - GABA inhibits neurons, while glutamate makes them extra active. Published...

The Use of New Algorithms to Determine the Sentence Can Reduce the Length of Prison Sentences

US prisons currently hold about 2 million detainees - many held while awaiting trial, and others serving extremely long prison sentences. New research by Professor Christopher Slobogin, Milton R. Underwood Chair in Law at Vanderbilt Law School, indicates that a risk prediction algorithm can help dramatically reduce these numbers.According to the professor, there is...

A New Algorithm Can Help Improve the Design of Cell Phone Materials

New research published in Scientific Reports has revealed that a plain but robust new algorithm can help engineers improve the design of cellular materials used in various applications, from defense, biomedical to intelligent structures and the aerospace sector.How cell materials perform can be uncertain, so calculations to help engineers predict how they will react...

Intestinal Microbes Can Help Reverse Brain Aging

On August 9, 2021, research from APC Microbiome Ireland (APC) at University College Cork (UCC), published in the leading international scientific journal Nature Aging, presents a new approach to invert aspects of brain deterioration and cognitive function related to aging through the microbes in the intestine.As our population ages, one of the leading global...

The Future of Medicine: New Invention Produces More Pure RNA at a Fraction of the Cost

3D illustration of an RNA chain. Credit: Christopher Burgstedt/Getty ImagesRecently, researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst revealed their discovery of a new RNA production process. The RNA resulting from this process is purer, more copious, and probably more economical than any other process currently in existence. This new technique removes the most significant...

Scientist Invents a Toilet that Transforms Human Feces into Cryptocurrency

A researcher at a South Korean university, UNIST (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology), has developed a toilet that turns human feces into energy. As a bonus incentive, it provides a small amount of digital currency to be exchanged for a cup of noodles or coffee on campus.How the "generator" that produces energy...

Agriculture: the Key to Driving Climate Change Response

Credit: Photomontage / Shutterstock.comIn the time of climate change, a panel of organic farmers discussed farming trials. It highlighted how the people and the planet have primary importance now that agriculture is most favorable.The severe growth of the impact of raising climate change on a liable system poses a substantial threat to the livelihoods...