
A New Algorithm Can Help Improve the Design of Cell Phone Materials

New research published in Scientific Reports has revealed that a plain but robust new algorithm can help engineers improve the design of cellular materials used in various applications, from defense, biomedical to intelligent structures and the aerospace sector.How cell materials perform can be uncertain, so calculations to help engineers predict how they will react...

Challenging Orthodoxy: Race, Racism and the Reconfiguration of the Economy

Photo by Clay Banks on UnsplashThere are many books on what's wrong with the economy ( Chang 2014; Keen 2011; Nelson 2018, Mazzucato 2018, Raworth 2018, Stanford 2015 ) and what we would need to do to change it. Considering the small change we've seen in economics training and effective policy economic thinking since the 2007/08 global...

Intestinal Microbes Can Help Reverse Brain Aging

On August 9, 2021, research from APC Microbiome Ireland (APC) at University College Cork (UCC), published in the leading international scientific journal Nature Aging, presents a new approach to invert aspects of brain deterioration and cognitive function related to aging through the microbes in the intestine.As our population ages, one of the leading global...

Evidence of the Earthquake Cited in the Bible is Found in Jerusalem

The storage vessel after restoration - Photo: Dafna Gazit Israel Antiquities Authority. Medicine: Joseph BocangolzA team of scientists from the Israel Antiquities Authority found evidence of a massive earthquake in the city of Jerusalem dating back to approximately 2,800 years ago.Previous research had uncovered evidence of a significant earthquake in Israel in the mid-eighth...

Italy Might Have Registered Europe’s Highest Temperature on Record

The Mediterranean heatwave has led to the spread of wildfires across southern Italy. Credit: REUTERSThe Italian island of Sicily may have registered the highest temperature ever recorded in Europe - 48.8C (119.8F)Regional authorities reported the reading, which the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) needs to verify, near Syracuse on Wednesday.According to the WMO, the present...

The Future of Medicine: New Invention Produces More Pure RNA at a Fraction of the Cost

3D illustration of an RNA chain. Credit: Christopher Burgstedt/Getty ImagesRecently, researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst revealed their discovery of a new RNA production process. The RNA resulting from this process is purer, more copious, and probably more economical than any other process currently in existence. This new technique removes the most significant...

Bill Gates’s Next-gen Nuclear Plant Packs in Grid-scale Energy Storage

Wind, solar, geothermal, hydro, wave power… Sustainable resources are an essential pillar of any strategy to decarbonize the planet's power generation sectors and eradicate fossil fuel usage. However, for several factors – intermittency, location dependence, land needs, and others – they can not accomplish it independently.A scalable form of zero-emissions energy that can reliably...

Scientist Invents a Toilet that Transforms Human Feces into Cryptocurrency

A researcher at a South Korean university, UNIST (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology), has developed a toilet that turns human feces into energy. As a bonus incentive, it provides a small amount of digital currency to be exchanged for a cup of noodles or coffee on campus.How the "generator" that produces energy...

Agriculture: the Key to Driving Climate Change Response

Credit: Photomontage / Shutterstock.comIn the time of climate change, a panel of organic farmers discussed farming trials. It highlighted how the people and the planet have primary importance now that agriculture is most favorable.The severe growth of the impact of raising climate change on a liable system poses a substantial threat to the livelihoods...

How Scientists Found Rare Fireball Meteorite Pieces on a Driveway — and What They Could Teach us

Image of the fireball in 28 February. (Image credit: UK Meteor Observation Network, Author provided)Monica Grady, Professor of Planetary and Space Sciences in the Open University, related who on February 28th at 21:54 GMT, around the time of the late evening news in the UK, a different news story emerged in the night sky -...