
Voyager 1 Encounters a Data Transmission Issue

Artist's concept of Voyager 1NASANASA engineers are currently addressing a newly discovered issue in one of the computers on the Voyager 1 deep space probe. This fault is hindering the 46-year-old spacecraft from sending any scientific or engineering data to Mission Control on Earth.Launched in 1977 from the Kennedy Space Center, Voyager 1, alongside...

The Moon’s Rocket-Created Craters have Been Resolved

The far side of the Moon as seen by China's Chang'e 5-T1 missionChinese National Space Agency/Chinese Academy of SciencesThe origin of a set of craters on the far side of the Moon has been clarified by a recent study from the University of Arizona, establishing that the probable cause was a discarded rocket booster...

Unveiling Solar Uncertainty: The Enigma of the Sun’s Size

Recent Studies Indicate the Sun is Marginally Smaller Than Official Estimates. Credit: NASA/SDO/AIAPhysicists' insistence on celestial bodies being non-perfect spheres raises questions about our understanding of their true dimensions. In the case of the Sun, renowned for its familiarity, discrepancies emerge when various methods are employed to measure its size.The International Astronomical Union, in...

Earth Receives Laser Message from 16 Million Kilometers Away

Psyche Probe's Deep Space Optical Communications Sets Record for Distant Laser Data Transmission. Credit: ProleR/ShutterstockIn a groundbreaking achievement, a deep space experiment conducted aboard NASA's Psyche spacecraft has successfully transmitted a laser message to Earth from a location surpassing the Moon's distance for the first time. The achievement by the Deep Space Optical Communications...

ALMA Reveals High-Resolution Structure of Old Star

Credit: UnsplashALMA, a big telescope, looked at an old star and saw it really well. The star has a ring of gas around it, and some of the gas is moving away into space. Using this powerful telescope in the future will help us understand not only how stars end but also how planets...

Unprecedented Light Show: The Spectacular Arrival of the “BOAT” Gamma-Ray Burst

A visual representation capturing the formidable burst of gamma rays, stemming from an explosion in the remote cosmos, which reached Earth on October 9 of the previous year.Last year witnessed an extraordinary celestial event as Earth encountered the brightest flash of light ever recorded in the night sky, unsettling the upper atmosphere in an...

Why Did Comet Erasmus Wag its Tail Happily as it Passed by the Sun?

In a static image, Erasmus appears indistinguishable from any typical comet. However, as time progressed, its tail revealed a lively wag, reminiscent of an animated and spirited puppy. Credit: NASA.Renowned astronomer David H. Levy once likened comets to cats, asserting, "They both have tails and do precisely what they want." With his extensive experience...

NASA’s Lucy Discovers a Surprising Asteroid Around a Satellite

NASA's asteroid-probing spacecraft, Lucy, has conducted its initial close-up observations, revealing an entirely unexpected find. The asteroid Dinkinesh not only possesses a small orbiting moon but, remarkably, this moon is composed of two objects fused together.Launched in 2021, Lucy is on track to explore more asteroids than any other spacecraft in history. Its primary...

Webb Unveils Previously Unseen Formations within the Renowned Supernova

Credit: PixaobayThe James Webb Space Telescope from NASA has initiated its examination of the famous supernova, SN 1987A, situated 168,000 light-years distant in the Large Magellanic Cloud. This supernova has been under extensive scrutiny for nearly four decades, spanning from gamma rays to radio waves, since its detection in February 1987. Fresh observations using...

The August Night Sky is Set to be Illuminated by the Dazzling Perseid Meteor Shower

A Perseid meteor in the same frame as the galaxy M31. Credit: PixaobayThe Perseid meteor shower is set to peak on the night of 12-13 August this year, promising an exciting spectacle for skywatchers. This meteor shower is most visible from the northern hemisphere, and under perfect conditions with clear skies, observers might be...