Unveiling Solar Uncertainty: The Enigma of the Sun’s Size

Unveiling Solar Uncertainty: The Enigma of the Sun’s Size

Recent Studies Indicate the Sun is Marginally Smaller Than Official Estimates. Credit: NASA/SDO/AIA

Physicists’ insistence on celestial bodies being non-perfect spheres raises questions about our understanding of their true dimensions. In the case of the Sun, renowned for its familiarity, discrepancies emerge when various methods are employed to measure its size.

The International Astronomical Union, in 2015, established the accepted radius of the Sun at 695,700 kilometers (432,288 miles). This estimation is based on observations of the photosphere, the Sun’s deepest atmospheric layer, often considered its surface in models.

Asteroseismology: Waves within the Sun

Researchers Takata and Gough, from the University of Tokyo and the Institute of Astronomy, introduce an alternative approach by applying asteroseismology to the Sun. This method tracks solar oscillations, specifically p-waves that traverse the entire Sun, including its core. Unlike f-waves, which measure surface layers, p-waves provide an internal perspective.

The study by Takata and Gough reveals a Sun radius of 695,780 kilometers (432,340 miles), a subtle but significant difference from the official photospheric record. Professor Douglas Gough acknowledges the methodological contrast, emphasizing that acoustic waves penetrate deeper, offering an interior view of the Sun.

The Enigma of Divergence: Solar Cycle’s Role?

The discrepancy between wave and visual methods prompts exploration, with the solar cycle emerging as a potential factor. Variations in solar activity every 11 years may impact measurements in the photosphere and surface brightness, potentially influencing f-mode results. However, the possibility of more profound phenomena affecting p-waves remains open.

Implications Beyond Astronomy: Solar Neutrinos and Nuclear Physics

While highlighting the Sun’s enigmatic nature, the study emphasizes the need for further research. Minor variations in the Sun’s radius could extend their impact beyond astronomy.

Solar neutrinos, crucial in nuclear physics studies on Earth, are sensitive to the Sun’s size. A nuanced understanding of these variations becomes imperative for comprehensive insights into fundamental theories.

Read the original article on academic.

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