Planetary Science

Japan to Achieve Historic Moon Landing, Becoming Fifth Nation Ever

Illustration of the Moon-landed SLIM probe. Credit: JAXTomorrow marks a pivotal moment for the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) as it endeavors to achieve a groundbreaking feat in space exploration. The agency is set to launch its Smart Lander for Investigating Moon, or SLIM, on a mission to land on the Moon successfully. If...

Mars-Bound Astronauts Will Undergo Time Dilation Effects

Astronauts will encounter time dilation effects during their mission. Credit: Unsplash.When astronauts embark on a journey to Mars, the phenomenon of time dilation becomes a significant aspect of their experience. This anticipated occurrence, where time passes at different rates for observers in motion or under the influence of gravitational fields, prompts the question: How...

NASA Delays Human Moon Landings To 2026 and Lunar Orbit Plans To 2025

The depicted crew is not slated to complete a lunar orbit until at least September 2025, and the earliest prospect for human lunar landing won't materialize until the subsequent year. Credit: NASA/Kim ShiflettNASA has officially confirmed a postponement in the schedule for human Moon landings and lunar orbit missions, with no expected landings until...

Historic Launch: First U.S. Lunar Lander in Over 50 Years Sets Course for the Moon

In this footage captured from NASA's video, the Vulcan rocket from United Launch Alliance, carrying Astrobotic Technology's lander, takes off from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida on Monday, January 8, 2024. This marked the launch of the first U.S. lunar lander in over 50 years, initiating a competitive space race among private...

Reimagining Neptune and Uranus: New Images Challenge Perceptions of Planet Colors

The authentic color rendition of Voyager photos reveals a striking similarity in hue between the ice giant planets. Photo credit: Patrick Irwin/University of Oxford/NASAUranus and Neptune, the giant ice planets within our solar system, have long been recognized for their similarities. One noticeable distinction, their coloration, has captivated scientific curiosity, with Uranus appearing aquamarine...

Lunar Exploration in 2024: A Pivotal Year for Human and Robotic Missions

While the prospect of humans landing on the Moon this year appears doubtful, there remains a wealth of exploration on the horizon. Credit: Unsplash.The anticipation for a "Return to the Moon" has reached a climax, and 2024 emerges as a key year in lunar exploration. While some focus on the symbolic significance of humans...

Juno Finishes Its Nearest Pass by Jupiter’s Volcanic Moon Io

Juno provided detailed pictures of Io in the course of the flyby for NASA.NASA's Juno spacecraft had its closest encounter with Jupiter's moon Io in more than two decades on December 30, 2023. The robotic probe approached within 930 miles (1,500 km) of the volcanic moon, capturing detailed images of its south pole.Initiated on...

Mars’ Magnetosphere’s Christmas Miracle: Stillness in the Solar Wind

Under usual circumstances, the MAVEN orbiter extends well beyond the boundaries of the Martian magnetosphere. However, this changed during a solar wind void. Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight CenterThe MAVEN Mars orbiter recently observed a transient restoration of the Martian magnetosphere and a temporary tripling of its ionosphere, a region where the Sun ionizes...

Giant Planet Discovery Disrupts Solar System Models

Credit: SyfyPenn State researchers have uncovered a planet significantly larger than its ultracool host star, challenging previous beliefs about planet formation. Published in Science, their findings showcase a planet more than 13 times Earth's mass orbiting a star nine times less massive than our sun. This discovery contradicts existing theories on small star planet...

Recent Photographs Capturing Unusual Thunderstorms

Credit: UnsplashEvery Saturday, Andreas would take the camera from the Space Station, attach the Davis camera on top, and go to the Cupola to check for thunderstorms on Earth. The initial picture has been released.Not EasyAndreas successfully took a picture of a red sprite, which is a type of flashy event in the sky...