Tag - Scientists

Incredible: Total Solar Eclipse Huge for Scientists. Here’s Why

Credit: DepositphotosWhen an uncommon total solar eclipse passes over North America next Monday, scientists will have the opportunity to collect invaluable information ranging from the Sun's atmosphere to peculiar animal behaviors, and even potential impacts on humans.During the Sun's near-peak activity in its 11-year solar cycle, an awe-inspiring sight awaits: the corona will illuminate...

Scientists Discovered and Deactivated a Brain Fear Switch

Credit: PixaobayThe sensation of hairs standing on end, the cold sensation in the stomach, the rapid heartbeat triggered by a sudden movement in the shadows—these experiences evoke fear. Fear, while capable of causing distress and discomfort, can also be oddly exhilarating. However, it serves a crucial purpose as an instinctual reaction to danger, potentially...

Scientists Recommend Eating More Python

Credit: PixaobayWe understand that diets rich in meat aren't environmentally friendly or healthy. How willing are you to adopt a more sustainable eating habit? Would you consider replacing your current choices with select cuts of python meat?A recent study conducted by an international team of researchers explored the viability of commercial-scale python farming and...