
Harnessing Sunlight to Convert Wastewater into Valuable Chemicals

Schematic Illustrating Solar-Driven Chemical Production from Engineered V. natriegens and Wastewater Contaminants for Sustainable and Efficient Processes. Credit: Nature Sustainability (2023).A groundbreaking study led by Prof. Gao Xiang from the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Prof. Lu Lu from the Harbin Institute of Technology introduces an innovative method...

The Way Mouse Embryos Determine Between The Left And Right Sides

A light micrograph of a section through the thorax of a mouse embryo, which shows left–right asymmetry. RIKEN researchers have discovered how cilia detect fluid flow, which eventually leads to this asymmetry. Credit: Dr. Keith Wheeler/Science Photo LibraryThe process through which small hairs in embryos perceive fluid movement has been identified by biologists from...

Water Quality Can Be Forecasted Using Machine Learning

Water, a vital substance for human life/ Credit: pexels.comA study published in the International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Management and Informatics has shown the potential of machine learning to forecast the water quality index, which could have significant implications for water management in both drinking water and agricultural applications.Water pollution, a concern of recent...

New Synthetic Porphyrin as a Double Antidote Against Fire Gas Poisoning

Credit: biology dictionary.The dangers of building fires are well-known, with highly toxic gases such as carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen cyanide (HCN) posing a significant threat to human life. Unfortunately, there has been no effective therapeutic approach to treat simultaneous CO and HCN poisoning, making it a major challenge in emergency medicine.Fighting against gas...

The Science Behind Honey’s Eternal Shelf Life

Honey - ancient liquid goldA multitude of factors-- its acidity, lack of water, and the existence of hydrogen peroxide-- function in absolute harmony, allowing honey to last forever.Modern archeologists excavating ancient Egyptian tombs have often discovered something unpredictable among the tombs' artifacts: pots of honey, thousands of years old and yet still completely preserved....

Scientists Develop an Effective Method for Creating New-to-Nature Enzymes

Bacteria culture. Credit: John WilkinsonEngineering enzymes to execute reactions not found in nature can address longstanding challenges in synthetic chemistry, such as transforming plant-based oils into helpful biochemicals.A team of scientists has developed an easy yet effective strategy for developing new enzymes with novel reactivity that can generate beneficial chemical compounds. Consequently, improving their...

An Improved Way to Develop Compounds For Pharmaceuticals

Testing of new pharmaceutical products. Credit: Freepik.What do gunpowder, penicillin, and Teflon all share? They were innovations that took the globe by storm, but they were all developed by pure accident.In a new research study announced in the journal Science, researchers used electrical power to establish equipment that can make it less complicated...

Recently Developed Evolved Enzymes to Produce Renewable Isobutene

A new research study published on September 7 details an innovation in developing advanced enzymes to sustain a renewable process to produce one of the vital products of the chemical industry (isobutene), used everywhere from beauty products to fuel.The freshly published discoveries are the outcome of collective work between Global Bioenergies and the team...

Researchers Infuse Bacteria with Silver to Boost Power Efficiency in Fuel Cells

Artist’s concept of a microbial fuel cell with efficiencies boosted by silver nanoparticles. Credit: Image created by AKang, Sphere Studio. Copyright: Yu Huang and Xiangfeng DuanA UCLA-led team of engineers and chemists had a significant advancement in developing microbial fuel cells-a modern technology that uses natural bacteria to remove electrons from organic matter in...

Nature-Inspired Sustainable Water Treatment System

Students from Monash Chemical Engineering developed a sustainable, autonomous water treatment system that eliminates persistent organic pollutants from industrial wastewater using nature's natural water treatment cycle as inspiration. The unique Stand Alone Sunflow System (SASS) - developed by Ph.D. students Mostafa Dehghani and Mahdi Naseri, and also undergraduate student Clare Carew - utilizes conveniently accessible as...