
Japan’s Fugaku Supercomputer Powers Up Drug Discovery, Storm Forecasts

TOKYO-- Discovering brand-new drugs and also predicting severe weather is one of the tasks the Japanese-built Fugaku, 1 of the world's rapid supercomputer, has taken on as its applications broaden.Fugaku will certainly be at the center of a two-year experimental study research focused on a pharmaceutical development platform. The government-sponsored project, posted in July,...

Scientist Says That Dark Matter May Be Information Itself

Info DumpThere is no shortage of debate regarding the nature of the dark matter, a mysterious substance that many physicists believe makes up a large proportion of the total mass of the universe, despite never having observed it directly.Currently, a physicist from the UK called Melvin Vopson is raising a startling possibility: that dark...

Three Papers Highlight the Results Of Record 1.3 Megajoule Yield Experiment

On the one-year anniversary of achieving a yield of more than 1.3 megajoules at LLNL’s National Ignition Facility, the scientific results of this record experiment have been published in three peer-reviewed papers: one in Physical Review Letters and two in Physical Review E. This stylized image shows a cryogenic target used for these record-setting inertial fusion experiments. Credit:...

A Particle New To Physics Could Solve the Dark Matter Mystery

Anomalies in nuclear physics experiments may show signs of a new force.A team of scientists in Hungary currently published a paper that hints at the presence of a previously unknown subatomic particle. The group first reported finding traces of the particle in 2016, and they now report more traces in a different experiment.If the...

Why Does Gravity Travel at the velocity of Light?

Two neutron stars collide; the resulting gravitational wave spread at the speed of light. Credit: National Science Foundation/LIGO/Sonoma State University/A. Simonne.The dead cores of 2 stars collided 130 million yrs earlier in a galaxy somewhat far away.The crash was so extreme that it originated a wrinkle in space-time-- a gravitational wave. That gravitational wave...

Physicists Confirm the Existence Of Two-Dimensional Particles Called ‘Anyons’

After decades of exploration in nature's most minor domains, physicists have finally found proof that anyons exist. 1st predicted by theorists in the early 1980s, these particle-like objects arise in realms confined to two dimensions and then under certain circumstances-- like at temperatures near absolute zero and in the existence of a solid magnetic...

Did the scientists at CERN discover proof of completely novel physics?

The detector at the Large Hadron Collider’s CMS experiment, pictured during the machine’s shutdown. Credit: Samuel Joseph Hertzog, Julien Marius Ordan/CERNAfter running for a decade, there were high expectations that the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the colossal accelerator at CERN, would uncover new particles that could aid in the understanding of the most profound mysteries...

A novel form of matter known as “superionic” ice that is extremely hot has been discovered.

Researchers at Rochester’s Laboratory for Laser Energetics used the same setup at a recent study to create superionic ice, shown here in this artistic rendering. In that instance, the ice was not stable. Credit: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory illustration / Millot, Coppari, Hamel, Krauss.By subjecting a droplet of water to extreme temperatures similar to those...

Scientists Develop Small Lens for Trapping Atoms

Graphical illustration of light focusing using a planar glass surface studded with millions of nanopillars (referred to as a metalens) forming an optical tweezer. (A) Device cross section depicts plane waves of light that come to a focus through secondary wavelets generated by nanopillars of varying size. (B) The same metalens is used to...

How Imaginary Numbers Describe the Fundamental Shape of Nature

Several science students may imagine a ball rolling down a hill or a car skidding due to friction as prototypical examples of the systems physicists care about. However, much of modern physics consists of looking for objects and essentially invisible sensations: the small electrons of quantum physics and the particles concealed within odd steels...