Electrical & Electronics

An Advancement In Power Saving Electronics Is Leading The Way For A Carbon-Neutral World

Quantifying electric fields in semiconductor devices: The schematic shows electric field distribution in the channel of a GaN transistor; laser beams highlight the second harmonic generation (SHG) nature of the technique. credit: Yuke CaoPower-saving electronics are becoming increasingly important in the quest for a carbon-neutral world. Advancements in this technology are making it possible...

Creating Next-Generation Electronic Gadgets by Harnessing Terahertz Waves

Ruonan Han's research is driving up the rates of microelectronic circuits to allow brand-new applications in interactions, noticing, as well as safety.Han, an associate teacher who recently gained tenured in MIT's Division of Electrical Design and Computer technology, focuses on creating semiconductors that operate successfully at very high frequencies in an initiative to bridge...

Physicists Investigate New Electronic Phenomena with the Use of Crystals

The researchers at the University of North Florida's LEGO Atomic Laboratory in physics have discovered a new electrical phenomenon called by "asymmetric ferroelectricity. The study led by Dr. Maitri Warusawithana, an assistant professor of physics at UNF, in cooperation with scientists at the University of Illinois and Arizona State University, has demonstrated this phenomenon...