Health & Fitness

Subjecting Coffee Grounds to Ultrasonic Waves Results in a 60-second Cold Brew

According to reports, employing acoustic cavitation results in a delicious glass of cold brew. Credit: UNSW.As temperatures rise, lots of coffee lovers are switching to iced coffee. However, folks with sensitive stomachs prefer cold brew because of its lower acidity, which makes it a go-to caffeine choice all year round. Cold brew is smoother,...

How to Substitute from Refined Sugar to Natural Sugar

Credit : CanvasYou Know people often say things like: "Switching from white refined table sugar to coconut sugar and local raw honey led to the normalization of my high blood pressure." or " Coconut palm sugar is desirable because it's natural and doesn't undergo chemical processing like regular sugar does." Numerous individuals are...

The Sweet Truth About Coconut Palm Sugar: A Healthier Option

Coconut palm sugar is gaining popularity as a natural alternative to refined white sugar. Derived from the sap of coconut palm blossoms, this sweetener offers various health benefits and can be a valuable addition to your pantry. Let's explore why coconut palm sugar is a healthier choice and how you can use it in...

Starting a Vegan Diet: Simple Tips for Beginners

Credit: CanvasIf you're new to the idea of going vegan, it can seem like a lot to take in. But don't worry, it's not as hard as it seems! In this guide, we'll break it down into easy steps so you can start your vegan journey with confidence.Why Go Vegan?First things first, going vegan...

How to Lose Belly Fat, The Main Exercise

My cousin and I used to exercise together every day, doing things like walking, lifting weights, and biking. Despite all that, he never lost his body fat; it just stayed the same for years. He tried changing his eating habits and other things, but nothing worked. Then, he moved to Europe and I didn't...

The Incrediable Benefits of Eating Four Days a Week

Credit: CanvasLong-Term Health GoalsRemson Noire, high raw vegan nutritionist & fitness coach, helping people to lose weight, build muscle, and reverse chronic illnesses through natural means, says: "Eating four days a week may seem extreme to some, but for those who are seeking long-term health benefits, it's a lifestyle choice that can have significant...

Optimal Daily Step Count to Combat Sedentary Lifestyle

Credit: PixaobayYou may be familiar with the recommendation of achieving 10,000 steps per day for adults. While this guideline offers a straightforward goal, it overlooks the diversity in human lifestyles and physiology.A multinational team of researchers has discovered that even individuals leading highly sedentary lifestyles can mitigate the negative effects of prolonged sitting by...

Urban Agriculture Expansion: Research Team Details Plan

Credit: Phys.orgUrban agriculture holds the promise of decentralizing food sources, offering environmental advantages such as wildlife habitat, and reducing environmental footprints. However, there are knowledge gaps related to the benefits, risks, and social dynamics of expanding urban agriculture.A recent article in Nature Food, authored by a team of interdisciplinary experts, including a researcher from...

Why BMI Falls Short as a Measure of Health – Unraveling the Reasons

It wasn't even developed by a physician. credit: Unsplash.Nothing can be said to be specific in this world, "except death and taxes," wrote Ben Franklin in a letter to his friend Jean-Baptiste Le Roy in 1789, "except death and taxes." This iconic quote showcases Franklin's wit and highlights a time predating the Body Mass Index (BMI).The Evolution of...

Pair Mindfulness with Exercise for a Mental Health Boost in 2024

Credit: University of BathTo kick off 2024 with a fresh routine to enhance fitness and well-being, a recent University of Bath study proposes that integrating mindfulness with exercise could be a crucial factor for success. Published in the academic journal Mental Health and Physical Activity, the study indicates that lifestyle changes incorporating both physical...