
Combining Weight Training with Electrical Stimulation Boosts Muscle Growth and Strength

Combining a resistance workout and electrical muscle stimulation leads to greater muscle mass and strength than resistance training aloneThe University of Texas at El Paso (note: original image extended using generative tools)New research suggests that using a standard, portable, non-invasive electrical muscle stimulator during resistance training can lead to greater improvements in both muscle...

Struggled With New Year’s Resolutions in 2024? Here’s What Scientists Recommend for 2025

Credit: PixabayMaybe you, like many others, started the year with big ambitions—a home spin bike or rowing machine, for instance. By March, however, the excitement likely waned, and by June, it may have become just another clothes rack.You’re not alone. A recent Gallup survey found that seven in ten adults plan to set goals...

A Few Minutes of Exercise Today Could Benefit Your Brain Tomorrow

Credit: PixabayEven just a few minutes of physical activity can have a significant impact on brain function, with benefits for memory and cognitive abilities potentially lasting longer than previously believed.Study Shows Exercise Improves Cognitive Function Beyond the Day of ActivityA study conducted by researchers at University College London and the University of Oxford has...

Just 5 Extra Minutes of Daily Activity Boosts Heart Health Significantly

Image from PixabayFinding time for daily exercise can be tough, but a new study involving nearly 15,000 people shows that just five extra minutes of activity, like stair climbing or jogging, can help reduce blood pressure. Researchers from the University of Sydney and University College London found that even this small increase in movement...

Balancing on One Leg Can Reveal Important Insights About Your Health

Credit: DepositphotosHealthy aging is about balance. If you're over 50 and can stand on one leg for 30 seconds, scientists say you're aging well, even with a bit of swaying.A recent study reveals that balance declines faster with age than muscle strength or walking speed. "To our knowledge, this is the first comparison of...

Men and Women May Require Different Breakfasts for Weight Loss

Credit: PixabayPersonalizing Breakfast for Weight LossYour breakfast selections might benefit from personalization based on your metabolism, especially if you’re aiming to lose weight. A recent study indicates that men and women metabolize and store energy from food differently, which can influence weight loss outcomes.Conducted by two biologists at the University of Waterloo in Canada,...

One-Button Weight Adjustment Makes These Dumbbells Smart

The smartest dumbbells around are ideal for beginners or more experienced weight trainersKickstarterIn fitness, weight training can seem daunting and cumbersome, but research shows that even light strength exercises can boost metabolism for weight loss, prevent muscle loss with age, and improve sleep quality more than cardio activities.One major issue—aside from dealing with confusing...

The Amazing Health Benefits of Planking

Credit: CanvasPlanks may appear deceptively simple, but holding your entire body in a rigid position for 30 seconds or more can be quite challenging. However, the effort is well worth it, as planks offer a range of health benefits. Let’s explore why you should incorporate this exercise into your routine: Enhanced BalanceWhen you perform a plank,...

How to Lose Belly Fat, The Main Exercise

My cousin and I used to exercise together every day, doing things like walking, lifting weights, and biking. Despite all that, he never lost his body fat; it just stayed the same for years. He tried changing his eating habits and other things, but nothing worked. Then, he moved to Europe and I didn't...

Optimal Daily Step Count to Combat Sedentary Lifestyle

Credit: PixaobayYou may be familiar with the recommendation of achieving 10,000 steps per day for adults. While this guideline offers a straightforward goal, it overlooks the diversity in human lifestyles and physiology.A multinational team of researchers has discovered that even individuals leading highly sedentary lifestyles can mitigate the negative effects of prolonged sitting by...