
Global Elimination of Animal Farming Could Save the Planet

The elimination of all animal agriculture in the following 15 years would severely diminish greenhouse gas emissions and remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.Research into the climatological impacts of raising animals for food implicates that eliminating all animal agriculture has the potentially to considerably change the direction of global warming.The project is a cooperation...

Using Human Proteins to Assist Potatoes And Rice to Grow 50% Larger

Normal potato harvest (on the left) next to growth-enhanced potato harvest (on the rigth). Source: Qiong Yu et. al.New research from the University of Chicago, Peking University, and Guizhou University reveals that infusing a gene linked to human obesity and fat inside crops might assist them in growing larger and ampler. Adjusting plant RNA is...

Researchers Reveal World’s First 3D-Printed Marbled Wagyu Beef

3D printing a piece of meat. Credit: Zinkevych/iStockAccording to a news release, researchers from Osaka University have produced the world's very first 3D-printed Wagyu beef, making use of stem cells extracted from Japanese cattle. The product resembles an authentic steak portion consisting of muscle tissue, blood vessels, and fat.As a result of its high...