
The Unspoken Downsides of Meditation and Mindfulness

Credit: PixabayBecause mindfulness can be practiced at home for free, it is often seen as an ideal remedy for stress and mental health challenges.Rooted in Buddhist traditions, mindfulness meditation involves focusing on present-moment awareness of sensations, thoughts, and emotions.Ancient Texts Acknowledge Meditation’s Potential DownsidesThe earliest recorded evidence of meditation’s potential downsides dates back over...

Research Shows That the Brain Segments the Day into Chapters, Similar to a Book

Credit: DepositphotosLife often resembles a novel, brimming with romance, mystery, and a hint of fantasy. It’s no surprise, then, that our brains categorize narratives into distinct segments, much like chapters in a book.A recent study by Columbia University researchers expands our understanding of this 'chapterization' process. It confirms that transitions between different places or...

The Unfavorable Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Grown-up Mental Wellness in The UK

Senior man stays home because of Corona virus. He stands by the window and looks out at the garden. Credit: Istock(vlada_maestro)The episode of COVID-19, a unique disease brought on by acute severe breathing syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has significantly affected several countries' socioeconomic and medical care structures, including the UK. As a result of...