Health & Fitness

Using Human Proteins to Assist Potatoes And Rice to Grow 50% Larger

Normal potato harvest (on the left) next to growth-enhanced potato harvest (on the rigth). Source: Qiong Yu et. al.New research from the University of Chicago, Peking University, and Guizhou University reveals that infusing a gene linked to human obesity and fat inside crops might assist them in growing larger and ampler. Adjusting plant RNA is...

Researchers Reveal World’s First 3D-Printed Marbled Wagyu Beef

3D printing a piece of meat. Credit: Zinkevych/iStockAccording to a news release, researchers from Osaka University have produced the world's very first 3D-printed Wagyu beef, making use of stem cells extracted from Japanese cattle. The product resembles an authentic steak portion consisting of muscle tissue, blood vessels, and fat.As a result of its high...