Material Technology

Enhanced Compostability for Sustainable Plastics

Scientists at Michigan State University's renowned School of Packaging have devised an innovative technique to enhance the biodegradability of a promising sustainable alternative to petroleum-based plastics.Under the guidance of Rafael Auras, the team has created a compostable bio-based polymer blend suitable for both home and industrial composting. Their achievement is documented in ACS Sustainable...

Researchers Used a Dual Variety of Steel in a Single 3D Printed Layer

Credit: Unsplash.Engineers at Washington State University have drawn inspiration from the intricate structure of trees and bones to devise a technique that enables the 3D printing of two different types of steel within a single circular layer. This groundbreaking approach results in the creation of a bimetallic material that exhibits a remarkable strength increase...

Experimental HiLo Building Reduces The Concrete Need And Accelerates Sustainability

The HiLo structure has been successfully installed on the rooftop of the pre-existing NEST research building located in Dubendorf, Switzerland. Credit: Roman Keller.Recognizing the significant carbon dioxide emissions generated by the construction industry on a global scale, a group of researchers and scientists from ETH Zurich has been developing innovative construction methods to address...

Physicists Produce the First Two-Dimensional Ferrimagnetism in Graphene

Graphic diagram depicting the Hall effect in the system under investigation. Credit: SPbUResearchers from St. Petersburg College and their international associates have created the globe's first two-dimensional ferromagnetism in graphene. The use of the obtained magnetic state of graphene can become the basis of a current method to electronics, increasing its energy efficiency and...

Electrons Zoom Along Quantum Highways in New Material

Scientists showed how MnBi6Te10, shown here in purple (tellurium), blue (bismuth) and green (manganese), can act as a magnetic topological insulator, conducting electrical current (blue) along a “quantum highway” without losing energy. The study revealed that a concerted action of different material defects is key to the quantum electronic properties. Credit: University of ChicagoQuantum...

Acts Like a Plastic But Conducts Like Metal

Credit: © fox17 / stock.adobe.comResearchers at the University of Chicago have found a means to produce a material that resembles plastic yet conducts electricity more like a metal.Like a metal?The research, released on Oct. 26 in Nature, shows how to produce a sort of material wherein the molecular fragments are shuffled and disordered but...

Scientists 3D Print Degradable Polymers Utilizing Salt

Texas A&M University researchers are using 3D printing and salt to create environmentally friendly polymers that will degrade over time. Credit: Texas A&M Engineering.Dr. Emily Pentzer, an associate educator in the Division of Materials Science and Engineering and the Division of Chemistry at Texas A&M College, makes 3D printed polymers more environmentally friendly with a...

A Scientist Just Accidentally Developed A Battery That Could Last A Lifetime

A nanowire compared to a human hair.Poor battery life is the number one issue when it comes to smartphones and laptops. As a wireless society, having to secure ourselves to power up our gadgets seems more and more a nuisance. Furthermore, while scientists are looking into wireless charging, we would have to worry less...

Tiny Photonic Chip Provides a Big Boost in Precision Optics

A 2 mm by 2 mm integrated photonic chip developed by Jaime Cardenas, assistant professor of optics, and PhD student Meiting Song (lead author) will make interferometers—and therefore precision optics—even more powerful. Potential applications include more sensitive devices for measuring tiny flaws on mirrors, or dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere, and ultimately, quantum...

Discovering the Technology To Create Unbreakable Compound Glass Screens

The University of Queensland has made a groundbreaking advancement in producing composite glass, potentially eliminating the issue of cracked phone screens.However, Led by Dr. Jingwei Hou, Professor Lianzhou Wang, and Professor Vicki Chen, an international team of researchers has developed a method for creating next-generation composite glass for various applications, including LED lighting,...