Decarbonize 85% of All Industries Using Current Technology

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The industrial sector contributes approximately 25% of worldwide CO2 emissions, equivalent to around 9.3 billion metric tonnes annually, and this figure is increasing. However, a group at the University of Leeds asserts that we don’t have to rely on revolutionary new technologies to significantly reduce these emissions.
In a recent publication in the journal Joule, the researchers examined various industrial sectors, assessing options for decarbonization, evaluating their potential for reducing emissions, and considering their technology readiness level (TRL) – a gauge of how close a particular technology is to being prepared for widespread adoption.
The researchers discovered that by implementing options with medium and high maturity levels (TRL 6-9), mainly centered around carbon capture and storage (CCS), or transitioning to hydrogen or biomass as fuel, the majority of industrial sectors are capable of achieving an average reduction of 85% in emissions. A concise overview is provided below, outlining the evaluated areas, the technologies ready for implementation, and the areas where gaps still exist.
Iron and steel industry
The majority of iron and steel production processes utilize fossil-fueled blast furnaces and blast oxygen furnaces, employing coke (baked coal) as a reductant, resulting in approximately two tons of CO2 emissions per ton of steel produced.
An alternative approach involves substituting coke with green hydrogen, which can also power an electric arc furnace to produce green steel. Some operational green steel plants, including one supplying Volvo, have already adopted this method.
Even for steelmakers opting to retain their existing furnace assets, the study suggests that Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) can capture 86% of steelmaking emissions, albeit with a 17% increase in energy consumption. Emerging technologies like electrowinning are also on the horizon as potential alternatives.
Chemical Production
The chemicals industry poses a challenge due to its diverse range of products, processes, inputs, and reactions. However, certain high-emission processes, such as ammonia synthesis, have established green alternatives.
For critical chemical building block production through steam cracking, involving ethylene, propylene, butadiene, acetylene, and aromatic compounds, transitioning to electric and hydrogen steam crackers is challenging. According to the team’s evaluation, these technologies have reached a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 5, just below the cutoff. Nevertheless, employing Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) alone can sequester approximately 90% of current emissions, albeit requiring roughly 25% more energy.
In the case of steam reforming for methanol and hydrogen production, electrolyzers are a well-established solution capable of completely eliminating carbon emissions. However, this comes at a substantial cost in terms of electricity, representing a 743% increase in energy consumption compared to current methods. CCS, while less effective in this scenario, can still capture 52-88% of emissions from existing production processes, necessitating around a 10% increase in energy consumption.

University of Leeds
Cement and Lime
The predominant carbon emissions from cement and lime result from “process emissions,” which seem inevitable for the continued use of these compounds. Consequently, a substantial portion of emissions reduction in this sector will depend on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), albeit with a “significant” increase in energy inputs ranging from 62-166%.
On the flip side, transitioning lime and cement kilns to operate on hydrogen, biomass, or electricity could eliminate up to 40% of total sector emissions without significantly impacting energy requirements.
Aluminum Production
The majority of current emissions in aluminum production, approximately two-thirds, stem from the use of conventional, polluting electricity to power the electrolysis process. A straightforward solution is to switch to green energy. Addressing some of the remaining emissions, which are process-based, involves incurring a 20% energy consumption penalty by using inert anodes instead of carbon ones in the electrolyzers.
The final 13-16% of emissions can be eradicated by adopting electric or hydrogen-fueled boilers and calciners in the alumina refining process, although these technologies still require substantial development. Recycling aluminum through an established secondary production path emerges as the cleanest and most efficient current method, reducing emissions by an estimated 95%.
Pulp and Paper
In the realm of pulp and paper, where process emissions are not a concern, the focus shifts to decarbonizing combined heat and power (CHP) systems and boilers. Additionally, implementing various efficiency measures can reduce overall power consumption. The study also outlines different approaches to paper drying, each at various stages of development.
The primary source of emissions in glassmaking is furnace heat. Switching to an electric or biofuel furnace can result in an 80% reduction in total emissions, with electric furnaces even contributing to a 15-25% decrease in energy consumption compared to traditional methods.
Furthermore, incorporating additional cullet and calcined input materials presents a potential additional 5% reduction in emissions without significantly increasing material or energy costs.
Food and Drink
Similar to chemical production, the food and drink sector is diverse, with a major portion of emissions stemming from steam used in heating and drying processes, as well as direct burning of fossil fuels for Combined Heat and Power (CHP). Various ready-to-implement processes such as electric, biofuel, hydrogen, microwave, ultrasonic, concentrated solar, geothermal, and UV methods are available.
Industrial Barriers to Decarbonization
The prevailing theme is clear: the majority of industrial emissions result from heat and power use, most of which can be electrified or converted to clean fuels, and from process emissions, most of which can be captured and stored. While there are still technological gaps, particularly in high-heat processes like ceramics, achieving an 85% reduction in industrial emissions is feasible with existing machinery and techniques.
However, challenges persist. Electrifying processes alone is insufficient if the power grid remains carbon-intensive, as it merely shifts emissions upstream. Transitioning to clean, renewable energy grids globally becomes even more challenging with the increased demand from electrified processes. To meet this demand, energy companies must not only replace existing capacity but also generate significantly more clean power than previously.
Processes reliant on hydrogen will necessitate a substantial increase in global green hydrogen production, requiring additional clean energy, infrastructure development, and logistics for safe storage and transportation.
Challenges and Costs in Electrifying Industrial Decarbonization
Even within the industrial sector, where fossil fuels often remain more economical than electricity in many markets, electrifying these readily decarbonizable targets may come with a 200-300% operational cost premium. Similarly, carbon capture and storage can become costly, adding between US$10-250 per ton, depending on the technology and the specific decarbonization process. This is in addition to multimillion-dollar upgrades to electrical infrastructure for businesses requiring substantial power; electrifying certain industrial operations might demand a gigawatt-scale grid connection.
The researchers anticipate that this could result in a 15% rise in global steel production costs, a 50-220% escalation in olefins and aromatics costs, and a 30% upturn in concrete costs.
However, if these added expenses are transferred to consumers through price hikes, the impact may not be severe. A case study focusing on the UK suggests that “industrial decarbonization consistent with the 2050 net-zero goal could be achieved with an aggregate increase in consumer prices of less than 1%.”
Although the current scenario poses significant challenges for clean energy, the economic viability of solar and wind is robust, as both are already highly cost-competitive. Furthermore, breakthroughs in ultra-deep drilling could unlock substantial geothermal energy resources worldwide, alongside advancements in modular nuclear power that could enable on-site industrial-scale power generation.
While the path ahead may not be without difficulties, it appears increasingly plausible. With effective governmental guidance, strategic commercial planning, and a rapid pace of technological advancement, there is ample reason for optimism.
Read the original article on: New Atlas
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