JWST Takes Detailed Picture of The Horsehead Nebula’s Features

JWST Takes Detailed Picture of The Horsehead Nebula’s Features

JWST captured a near-infrared image of the boundary of the Horsehead Nebula.
JWST captured a near-infrared image of the boundary of the Horsehead Nebula. (Credit: ESA/Webb, NASA, CSA, K. Misselt/University of Arizona, and A. Abergel/IAS/University Paris-Saclay/CNRS)

A fresh perspective has just unveiled a renowned feature in our planet’s sky.

Mid- and near-infrared investigations conducted by the James Webb Space Telescope have revealed never-before-seen characteristics in the Horsehead Nebula space cloud. The space telescope focused on the area on top of the “horse’s” head, collecting tendrils and filaments with exceptional resolution, producing an incredibly detailed image.

Revealed Features and Characteristics

By employing 23 filters together, a group of astronomers attained remarkable clarity. This allowed them to monitor emissions from particles smaller than 20 nanometers, such as interstellar polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. They could also observe the light reflected by larger particles and detect ionized hydrogen within the cloud.

In near-infrared, the Horsehead Nebula. (Credit: ESA/Webb, NASA, CSA, K. Misselt/University of Arizona, and A. Abergel/IAS/University Paris-Saclay/CNRS)

Implications for Astrophysical Understanding

The Horsehead Nebula, a separate cloud located 1,300 light-years away and a component of the Orion molecular cloud complex, got its name from the fact that it resembles a horse’s head. It is so dense with gas and dust that it appears black in optical light, much like shadows. The cloud can be seen as a hole in the surrounding bright gas in several images.

When you get close up or observe the nebula at wavelengths outside the range of normal human eyesight, it changes from looking like a pitch-black nothingness to a luminous, billowing cloud. The Horsehead Nebula is heated by the neighboring complex known as Sigma Orionis, which comprises a system of very young, massive, hot stars that burn at temperatures of about 34,600 Kelvin. The Horsehead Nebula does not have an internal light source.

JWST captured an image of the nebula area. (Credit: ESA/Webb, NASA, CSA, K. Misselt/University of Arizona, and A. Abergel/IAS/University Paris-Saclay/CNRS, Mahdi Zamani The Euclid Consortium, Hubble Heritage Project/STScI AURA)

Because of these characteristics, the Horsehead Nebula is an excellent laboratory for studying star nurseries. The ‘horsehead’ is a compact, gravitationally collapsed mass of material that contains tiny, still-forming stars hidden from the dust.

Future Directions and Scientific Significance of the JWST Photos

However, the surrounding material is severely harmed by the powerful radiation from the stars outside the nebula. Molecules breaking apart under the intense rays of far-ultraviolet light, a process known as photodissociation, create a field of mainly neutral interstellar medium. Therefore, the JWST photos will aid in probing the so-called photodissociation region (PDR) surrounding the Horsehead Nebula.

The mechanism of photoevaporation, in which gas is ionized by intense light and successfully evaporates, can also be better understood with the aid of these new data.

The nebula as seen by JWST in mid-infrared. (Credit: ESA/Webb, NASA, CSA, K. Misselt/University of Arizona, and A. Abergel/IAS/University Paris-Saclay/CNRS)

Thus far, the photos have enabled a group of scientists to distinguish between a network of filaments perpendicular to the front of the PDR and the small-scale features that adorn the illuminated border of the Horsehead Nebula. This network contributes to the photoevaporative flow by containing gas and dust.

Still, this is only the beginning. The next stage is to thoroughly examine the light emitted to determine the chemical makeup of the dust and gas and the size and flow of the dust grains based on light scattering. This will make it possible to create a thorough model of the dust evolution in the PDR and aid in understanding how these clouds evolve and eventually evaporate, releasing the trapped nascent stars.

Read the original article on: ScienceAlert

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