Low-Carbon Footprint Ammonia for Eco-Friendly Fertilizers

Researchers at UNSW Sydney, alongside collaborators, have pioneered an eco-friendly technique enabling ammonia production directly on farms, revolutionizing the traditional high-energy methods.
The innovation, highlighted in a recent Applied Catalysis B: Environmental publication, drastically improves energy efficiency, scaling up green ammonia synthesis at an industrial level.
Formerly reliant on energy-intensive processes contributing significantly to global carbon emissions, this breakthrough eliminates the need for high temperatures, pressures, and complex infrastructure, making eco-friendly ammonia production cost-effective.
The groundwork, previously licensed to PlasmaLeap Technologies via UNSW Knowledge Exchange, is poised for integration into the Australian agriculture sector, with a prototype already prepared for deployment.
This advancement builds upon earlier proof-of-concept research, significantly advancing energy efficiency and production rates, promising enhanced commercial viability. Additionally, green ammonia’s potential in the hydrogen transport market stands out, offering a more efficient storage medium for hydrogen energy compared to liquid hydrogen.
Low-carbon ammonia fertilizers: Net zero objectives
The conventional method of producing ammonia, primarily through the Haber-Bosch process, has historically contributed significantly to bolstering crop yields and sustaining the world’s food supply. However, this process, heavily reliant on fossil fuels for energy and hydrogen sources, is responsible for approximately 2.4 tonnes of CO2 emissions per tonne of ammonia, making up around 2% of the world’s carbon emissions.
Dr. Ali Jalili, the lead researcher and a former Australian Research Council DECRA Fellow at UNSW, emphasizes the urgency of transitioning to sustainable ammonia production methods to align with global net-zero goals. He highlights the limitations of the Haber-Bosch process, particularly its large-scale and centralized facilities, which not only pose economic challenges but also contribute to increased CO2 emissions during transportation to farms, raising emission levels by 50%.
Furthermore, the dependence on ammonia-based fertilizers has faced critical shortages due to disruptions in international supply chains and geopolitical concerns, adversely affecting food security and production expenses.
Ammonia’s versatility, not just in fertilizers but also in storing and transporting hydrogen energy, holds significant promise for Australia’s renewable energy goals. Dr. Jalili believes that embracing a decentralized, energy-efficient production approach is crucial to fully harnessing ammonia’s potential, especially in effectively utilizing surplus renewable electricity. This approach not only addresses economic and logistical challenges tied to intermittent energy sources for urban areas and farms but also positions Australia as a frontrunner in renewable energy exports and adoption.
Read the original article on sciencedaily.
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