Search Results - fossil

More Oil Refinery Emissions Expected in the Near Future

A study (An international stock), revealed that CO2 escapes from oil refineries were as high as, 1.3 Gt in 2018 and could reach 16.5 Gt from 2020 to 2030. From the results, the investigators suggest unique mitigation techniques for such refineries in various regions and ages. The results appear today (20 August 2021) in...

Eco-Friendly and Economical: Underground Storage Space of Carbon Captured Directly From Air

Schematic image of low-purity CO2 storage with membrane-based Direct Air Capture (DAC). Credit: Takeshi Tsuji A new research shows that geological storage of low purity carbon dioxide associated with oxygen and nitrogen of direct air capture is an environmentally and financially feasible techniques to remove carbon from the environment. The recurring international threat of environmental adjustment...

Transforming ‘Drain Gas’ Into Clean Hydrogen Fuel

An odoriferous, toxic gas can now be converted into clean-burning petroleum using a brand-new chemical process that has been found by specialists. The procedure converts hydrogen sulfide—more commonly known as "drain gas"—into hydrogen fuel and was recently described in the American Chemical Society publication ACS Sustainable Chemical Engineering. Hydrogen sulfide is a byproduct of industrial...

The Future for Wind Farms May Lie In Compact And Efficient Vertical Turbines

The now-familiar sight of conventional propeller wind turbines might be substituted in the years to come with wind farms consisting of an extra compact and efficient vertical turbine design. A new study from Oxford Brookes University has found that the vertical turbine concept is far more effective than conventional turbines in large-scale wind farms. When...

Something Mysteriously Eliminated About 90 Percent of Sharks 19 Million Years Ago

Credit: GERARD SOURY/THE IMAGE BANK/GETTY IMAGES Around 19 million years ago, something horrible happened to sharks. Fossils amassed from sediments in the Pacific Ocean reveal a previously unidentified and shocking shark extinction event. During this event, the populations of the predators abruptly dropped by as much as 90 percent, researchers report in the journal Science on June 4....

Study of Neanderthal Teeth Grooves Reveals Evidence of Prehistoric Dental Care

Three views of the four articulated teeth making up KDP 20. a. occlusal view showing lingually placedmesial interproximal wear facet on P4 (arrow) and buccal wear on M3; b. lingual view showing a mesiallyplaced interproximal wear facet on P4 (arrow), chips from lingual faces of all teeth and rotated, partiallyimpacted M3; c. buccal view...

Recently Developed Evolved Enzymes to Produce Renewable Isobutene

A new research study published on September 7 details an innovation in developing advanced enzymes to sustain a renewable process to produce one of the vital products of the chemical industry (isobutene), used everywhere from beauty products to fuel. The freshly published discoveries are the outcome of collective work between Global Bioenergies and the team...

Nature-Inspired Sustainable Water Treatment System

Students from Monash Chemical Engineering developed a sustainable, autonomous water treatment system that eliminates persistent organic pollutants from industrial wastewater using nature's natural water treatment cycle as inspiration.  The unique Stand Alone Sunflow System (SASS) - developed by Ph.D. students Mostafa Dehghani and Mahdi Naseri, and also undergraduate student Clare Carew - utilizes conveniently accessible as...

How to Stop Cathodic Corrosion of Steel Electrodes in Electroorganic Synthesis

Sustainability is a crucial concern in business and industry these days. Many firms acknowledge the demand to find the very best possible climate-neutral options for producing their products and decreasing contaminants. This indicates they are searching for manufacturing alternatives that do not call for using fossil resources. Great potential in this regard is seen...

New Nanomaterial Produces Clean Energy Hydrogen Gas From Seawater

Hydrogen fuel stemmed from the sea could be a bountiful and sustainable substitute to fossil fuels; however, the potential power source has been limited by technological obstacles, consisting of exactly how to harvest it. Scientists at the University of Central Florida designed for the very first time a nanoscale material that can successfully divide seawater...