Search Results - fossil

Carbon Capture: A Risky Solution that Shifts Climate Burden to Future Generations

Credit: EWG. As the most current report from the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) explains, the 2020s have to be a decade of change. This is necessary to attain the goals of the Paris Agreement. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is foreseed to play a vital role to cut carbon emissions. Depending on...

Did Male and Female Dinosaurs Differ? A New Analytical Strategy is Helping Address the Inquiry

How can researchers tell if male and female dinosaurs, like the stegosaur, were different? Credit: Susannah Maidment et al. & Natural History Museum, London, CC BY In many animal varieties, males and also women vary. This is true for individuals and various other mammals. Along with numerous species of birds, fish, and reptiles. However, what concerning dinosaurs?...

DNA From Child Burials Shows ‘Exceptionally Different’ Human Landscape in Ancient Africa

People like these Baka hunter-gatherers once ranged well beyond their current homeland in Central Africa. Credit: CYRIL RUOSO/MINDEN PICTURES Children's skeletons give genomes more than 3000 years old Central Africa is far too hot and humid for ancient DNA to survive-- or so scientists assumed. Currently, the bones of four children buried thousands of years earlier...

Giant Sponge Gardens Discovered on Seamounts in the Arctic Deep Sea

The dense sponge grounds discovered on the northerly Langseth Ridge seamount structure represent an astonishingly rich ecosystem, demonstrating the ability of sponges and associated microorganisms to exploit a variety of refractory food sources including fossil seep detritus. Credit: Alfred-Wegener-Institut / PS101 AWI OFOS system Giant sponge gardens Little food gets to the depths below the perpetually...

The Causes of Arctic Winter Warming East Asian Subtropical Cold Damage

IMELTING ICE ON THE ISLANDS OF SEVERNAYA ZEMLYA (BARENTS AND LAPTEV SEA REGION).CREDIT: GABRIELA SCHAEPMAN-STRUB, ARCTIC CENTURY EXPEDITION, 2021 The temps in the Arctic are rising as a result of climate change. According to an international study conducted by UZH experts, Arctic warming causes temperature anomalies and cold damage millions of km distant in East...

Global Elimination of Animal Farming Could Save the Planet

The elimination of all animal agriculture in the following 15 years would severely diminish greenhouse gas emissions and remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Research into the climatological impacts of raising animals for food implicates that eliminating all animal agriculture has the potentially to considerably change the direction of global warming. The project is a cooperation...

A New Way to Store Sustainable Energy: ‘Information Batteries’

What if surplus renewable energy could be stored as computation instead? that’s the thinking behind “information batteries.” Photo/ISTOCK. A future powered by sustainable energy sources can save the globe from drastic climate change and reduce energy expenses. But the renewable resource has an intermittency issue-- the sun offers no power during the night, while winds...

Next-Generation Computer Chips Reduce Our Carbon Footprint

A Q&A with two scientists aiming to overcome limitations in computing power and energy efficiency deliberately by designing brand-new microchips (CMOS silicon chips). A brief history of microelectronics and CMOS silicone chips Our laptop computers and smartphones are portable yet powerful due to silicon microelectronics, also known as integrated circuits or chips, the tiny minds behind...

Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals Mating Across Groups Led to Human Evolution

Credit: Natural History Museum, construction by the Kennis brothers. Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals Mating Across Groups Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals Mating Across Groups seem to be a new scientific discovery. Proof that cross-continental Stone Age networking occasions powered human evolution increased in 2021. Homo Sapiens may not have eliminated Neanderthals A long-lasting argument that Homo sapiens originated...

Smart City Initiatives in Bahrain: Benefits, Future Trends, and Concerns

smart city initiatives being put into place, and many of them are starting to show results. Credit: Lucas Meneses/ Globally, there are more and more smart city initiatives being put into place, and many of them are starting to show results. For example, traffic jams have been reduced by 15 percent in Hangzhou, China,...