Search Results - human

Maglev Heart Made of Titanium Now Operating in a Living Patient

The BiVACOR total artificial heart is about the size of a large fistBiVACOR For the first time, BiVACOR's fully mechanical heart, which employs technology similar to high-speed rail systems, has been successfully implanted in a human. This advancement represents a significant milestone in prolonging lives while patients await heart transplants. Details of the Total Artificial Heart...

Simulations Show Musk’s Vision System Performs Poorly

Credit: Pixabay Elon Musk's ambitious eye implants, which aim to surpass normal human vision, are unlikely to achieve this goal. Scientists using 'virtual patients' have highlighted the limitations of this technology, showing that even the best engineering cannot fully replicate human neurophysiology in restoring sight. Elon Musk's ambitious eye implants, which aim to surpass normal human...

Dogs Can Detect our Stress and it Profoundly Impacts Them

Credit: Pixabay Dogs can detect human stress, and a new study shows that this scent may cause dogs to make 'pessimistic' decisions, reflecting a similar emotional effect. This is the first scientific evidence that human stress odors influence dogs' emotions and learning, according to UK researchers, and it may provide valuable insights into the ancient...

Monday Broke Sunday’s Record as the Hottest Day on Earth

Earth has sweltered through its hottest day on record this weekDepositphotos Earth experienced its hottest day on record twice this week. According to data from the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), Sunday initially set the record for the highest global average temperature since records began in 1940, only for Monday to surpass it. On Sunday, July...

What Does it Mean When a Chicken Blushes? Now we Know

Understanding the blushing behaviors of chickens could help improve livestock practices. Credit: Pixabay For the first time, researchers discovered that chickens fluff their facial feathers and blush in response to various stimuli, likely to express their inner emotions. This finding could enhance how we care for these birds. However, if you've ever been charmed by a...

Hair Loss Breakthrough: Natural Sugar Boosts Regrowth

Hair growth can be stimulated by treatment with pentose sugar 2-deoxy-D-ribose (2dDR), which naturally occurs in humans and animalsDepositphotos In positive news for nearly half the men worldwide, scientists have discovered that a naturally occurring sugar in humans and animals may be used as a topical treatment for male pattern baldness. This finding could provide...

Rolls-Royce Gets $6M for Nuclear Space Reactor Development

The Micro-Reactor can be used for nuclear space propulsionRolls-Royce Rolls-Royce has received an additional £4.8 million (US$6.2 million) from the UK Space Agency (UKSA) to develop critical technology for a nuclear micro-reactor, potentially powering lunar bases and spacecraft propulsion in the future. In the 1969 science fiction film Doppelganger (also known as Journey to the Far...

Study: Blood Proteins Predict Risk of 60+ Diseases

Credit: Pixabay Research on thousands of proteins from a single drop of blood shows that these proteins can predict the onset of various diseases. The study, published on July 22 in Nature Medicine, results from an international collaboration involving GSK, Queen Mary University of London, University College London, Cambridge University, and the Berlin Institute of Health...

Disney Infuses Robot Movements with Beauty and Character

Disney's bipedal Star Wars robots move with personality at the core of their beingDisney Research Disney Research Hub has different priorities compared to other robot developers; its robots must move efficiently and effectively, but also with a lot of style and personality. This adorable biped, inspired by the BD-1 droid, exemplifies this approach. For those unfamiliar, BD-1 first...

Earth’s Water is Rapidly Losing Oxygen, Creating a Major Threat

Credit: Pixabay The levels of dissolved oxygen in the world's water bodies are dropping quickly, and scientists consider this a major threat to Earth's life support system. Much like atmospheric oxygen is crucial for animals, dissolved oxygen (DO) is key for the health of aquatic ecosystems, whether in freshwater or marine environments. Given that billions of...