Search Results - solar

Sun-Powered System Supplies Energy as It Draws Water From the Air

The brand-new equipment could provide remote and dry regions both electricity and some water for drinking or crops This artist’s drawing shows what a new water- and energy-production system might look like. Its solar panels generate power as a water harvesting unit pulls moisture from the air. A roof shades irrigated crops from the hot...

A New Approach to Improve The Power Control of Wind Farms

New method boosts wind farms’ energy output, without new equipment. Credit: MIT. Humans must transition to more sustainable energy sources to slow down climate change and stop its unfavorable effects. Therefore, engineers worldwide have been dealing with various technologies that can transform natural resources, such as sunshine, wind, and water, into electrical energy. Renewable energy Wind turbines,...

A Brand-New Concept to Describe the Openness of Metal Oxides

The electrons of some metal oxides, due to their vast effective mass when combined with the ionic lattice of the material, can not comply with the electric field of light and allow it to pass through the material. Transparent and conductive materials are made use of in smartphone touch displays and solar panels for...

Pristine Hubble Image Shows an Exciting Exchange Between Two Galaxies

Arp 282. (ESA/Hubble & NASA, J. Dalcanton, Dark Energy Survey, DOE, FNAL/DECam, CTIO/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA, SDSS, J. Schmidt) The recurring interaction between two galaxies 320 million light-years away has been recorded in a spectacular Hubble picture. They are collectively named Arp 282 in Halton Arp's Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies. They feature a large barred spiral galaxy called NGC 169, approximately 140,000 light-years across, and a considerably...

Riding a Laser to Mars

Laser-thermal propelled spacecraft in Earth orbit awaiting its departure. Credit: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Could a laser send a spacecraft to Mars? That is a proposed mission from a group at McGill University, made to fulfill a solicitation from NASA. The laser, a 10-meter vast array in the world, would certainly heat up...

NASA Telescope Idea Could Spot Vegetation on Distant Exoplanets

Credit: Slava Turyshev NASA states it could detect "surface features" and even "hints of habitability" on distant planets. NASA is financing research for a conceptual telescope called a "solar gravitational lens" (SGL) that can allow us to observe remote exoplanets at a fantastic resolution-- a futuristic endeavor that might assist discovery at last if we...

How Mars Lost its Oceans

Planet Mars illustration. Credit: NASA It has long been recognized that Mars once had oceans due, in part, to a protective magnetic field similar to Earth's. Nevertheless, the electromagnetic field disappeared, and a new research study may lastly be able to explain why. Scientists recreated conditions anticipated in the core of Mars billions of years...

A New Way to Store Sustainable Energy: ‘Information Batteries’

What if surplus renewable energy could be stored as computation instead? that’s the thinking behind “information batteries.” Photo/ISTOCK. A future powered by sustainable energy sources can save the globe from drastic climate change and reduce energy expenses. But the renewable resource has an intermittency issue-- the sun offers no power during the night, while winds...

Mercury Earliest Atmosphere

Nasa/JHU/Carnegie Credit Mercury is a really peculiar planet. The tiniest in the solar system and the one nearest to the sun, it rotates slowly in a 3:2 spin resonance and experiences hot temperatures of up to 430 degrees Celsius during the day and cold temperatures of -170 degrees Celsius at night. Its average density is...

An Advancement In Power Saving Electronics Is Leading The Way For A Carbon-Neutral World

Quantifying electric fields in semiconductor devices: The schematic shows electric field distribution in the channel of a GaN transistor; laser beams highlight the second harmonic generation (SHG) nature of the technique. credit: Yuke Cao Power-saving electronics are becoming increasingly important in the quest for a carbon-neutral world. Advancements in this technology are making it possible...