Search Results - solar

We Ultimately Know When Our Milky Way Will Crash Into the Andromeda Galaxy

Our Galaxy galaxy will undoubtedly endure in its present kind of bit longer than some astronomers had believed, a new research study suggests. A view of the Andromeda galaxy, also known as M31, with measurements of the motions of stars within the galaxy. This spiral galaxy is the nearest large neighbor of our Milky Way. (Image...

Cold Planets Exist Throughout the Galaxy– in the Galactic Lump

An artist’s conception of cold planet distribution throughout the Milky Way. For comparison, the cyan cone is the Kepler transit survey field. The inset shows an artistic conception of a planetary system in the Galactic bulge. Credit: Osaka University Researchers led by Osaka University and NASA found that the distribution of cold "planets" in the...

Red vs. Blue: Astronomers Trace the Beginnings of Unusual Loner Dwarf Galaxies

The fall of a blue ultra-diffuse galaxy into a galaxy system and its subsequent ejection as a red ultra-diffuse galaxy. Credit: MIT The results give a blueprint for finding such systems in deep space's quieter, emptier areas. By definition, dwarf galaxies are tiny and dim, with just a fraction of the stars located in the Milky...

In a New Study, Researchers Show a Quarter of Stars Like Our Sun Eat Their Planets

How unusual is our Solar System? In about 30 years since planets were first discovered orbiting stars besides our Sun, we have found that planetary systems are prevalent in the Galaxy. However, most of them are pretty different from the Solar System we know. The worlds in our Solar System revolve around the Sun in...

The 2000 Year Old Greek Astronomical Calculator: Experts Recreate a Mechanical Cosmos for the Globe’s First Computer

Cosmos Display at the front of the Antikythera Mechanism, showing the positions of the Sun, Moon, and five planets as well as the phase of the Moon and the nodes of the Moon. Copyright © 2020 Tony Freeth Researchers at UCL have fixed a significant piece of the challenge that makes up the ancient Greek...

Genetically Modified Trees are Seen as a Solution by These Scientists to Absorb Excess Carbon in the World

Credit: Lead Image © Mulderphoto / Adobe Stock In grade school, Charles DeLisi had his first indication of changes in the environment. He lived in a very wooded area, with trees filling his neighborhood, which was very fortunate since he loved to play in the forest. However, one of the saddest events of his...

Bill Gates’s Next-gen Nuclear Plant Packs in Grid-scale Energy Storage

Wind, solar, geothermal, hydro, wave power… Sustainable resources are an essential pillar of any strategy to decarbonize the planet's power generation sectors and eradicate fossil fuel usage. However, for several factors – intermittency, location dependence, land needs, and others – they can not accomplish it independently. A scalable form of zero-emissions energy that can reliably...

How Scientists Found Rare Fireball Meteorite Pieces on a Driveway — and What They Could Teach us

Image of the fireball in 28 February. (Image credit: UK Meteor Observation Network, Author provided) Monica Grady, Professor of Planetary and Space Sciences in the Open University, related who on February 28th at 21:54 GMT, around the time of the late evening news in the UK, a different news story emerged in the night sky -...

Signs Indicate the Presence of a New Hot Planet Near the Famous Star Vega

Vega is the fifth brightest star, excluding the sun, that can be seen from Earth. (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech) A possible searing-hot planet was spotted by astronomers, orbiting Vega, one of the brightest and most known stars in the sky. Approximately the size of Neptune, the candidate alien planet lies very close to Vega, taking 2.5 Earth...