Search Results - framework

Researchers Push for Animal Inclusion in Carbon Cycle Models

Credit: Depositphotos Global carbon cycle models usually consider plants, microbes, soil, and the atmosphere but often overlook animals. From earthworms to elephants, these creatures can play a crucial, yet understudied, role in carbon capture and storage within ecosystems. In a new theoretical framework published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences by Matteo Rizzuto and colleagues, a...

Teaching Humanoids to Take over Manual Labor Duties

H2O - the first demonstration of real-time, whole-body humanoid robot teleoperationLeCAR Lab at CMU Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) scientists have created H2O – Human2HumanOid – a reinforcement learning system enabling a life-sized humanoid robot to be remotely controlled by a human in real-time using just an RGB camera. This raises the question: could manual labor...

Renowned Physicist Peter Higgs, Predictor of the Higgs boson, Dies at 94

Professor Peter Higgs, known for predicting the boson that bears his name, has died aged 94. At the age of 94, Professor Peter Higgs has passed away. He was a prominent theoretical physicist, celebrated for his anticipation of a fundamental particle, the Higgs boson, which gained him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2013...

Robotic Arm 3D-Prints Two-Story House

The 27-ft-high curvy Phoenix House is now on display in Austin, TexasIcon Icon's latest 3D construction printer can construct two-story concrete buildings quicker and more cost-effectively than its previous Vulcan printer. This technology has been utilized to erect a 27-foot-high structure named Phoenix House, currently showcased in Austin, Texas. Since debuting its inaugural 3D-printed house at...

Rainforest’s Next Tree Generation at Risk 30 Years Post-Logging

An unlogged tropical forest in Danum Valley, Malaysian Borneo. Credit: Pixaobay Recent research indicates that seedlings in natural rainforests have higher survival rates compared to areas previously subjected to logging, despite efforts of tree restoration projects. This study is featured in Global Change Biology. Researchers monitored over 5,000 seedlings for eighteen months in North Borneo. They...

Toyota’s Soft Humanoid Grasps Objects with Entire Body

Punyo is a torso-up soft humanoid robot designed to pick things up using its arms, chest and shoulders instead of just its handsToyota Research Institute The majority of humanoid robots typically use their hands to pick up objects, but this method doesn't mimic human behavior accurately, especially when dealing with bulky items. Humans utilize not...

Three Core Elements of Romantic Love

Credit: Unsplash. Love, often described as a many-splendored thing, proves challenging to define, a difficulty shared by both researchers and the general public. Cultural nuances play a role, and psychological theories on romantic love are diverse, as highlighted by Chen, Xia, and Dunne (2024) in their exploration of how individuals define love in everyday contexts. Love,...

A Piezoelectric Bone Bandage Speeds Up Fractured Bone Healing

A novel "bone bandage" was able to regenerate damaged bone in miceDepositphotos Scientists have effectively rejuvenated impaired skull bones in mice through the development of an independent biomimetic scaffold. This innovative "bone bandage" incorporates a piezoelectric structure and leverages the growth-enhancing attributes of a naturally occurring mineral. The application of this technique extends to various...

Urban Agriculture Expansion: Research Team Details Plan

Credit: Urban agriculture holds the promise of decentralizing food sources, offering environmental advantages such as wildlife habitat, and reducing environmental footprints. However, there are knowledge gaps related to the benefits, risks, and social dynamics of expanding urban agriculture. A recent article in Nature Food, authored by a team of interdisciplinary experts, including a researcher from...

These Micro-Robots Were Inspired by Mini-Bugs and Water Striders

One robot weighs 55 milligrams, while its parter is just 5 milligrams. BOB HUBNER, WSU PHOTO SERVICES The conceptual framework of two diminutive insect-inspired robots could eventually be applied to environmental monitoring, surgical procedures, and search-and-rescue missions. Weighing eight and 55 milligrams, these bots, modeled after a mini-bug and a water strider, are claimed to potentially...