Search Results - human

Why Robots Can’t Beat Fastest Animals, Surprising Reason

Credit: Pixabay In recent years, advancements in robotics and AI have been substantial, yet we have not succeeded in creating robots that surpass the capabilities of nature's finest. New research delves into the fundamental reasons behind this phenomenon. Exploring Over a Hundred Studies Reveals a Crucial Integration Barrier in Advancing Robotics After examining over a hundred prior...

JWST Takes Detailed Picture of The Horsehead Nebula’s Features

JWST captured a near-infrared image of the boundary of the Horsehead Nebula. (Credit: ESA/Webb, NASA, CSA, K. Misselt/University of Arizona, and A. Abergel/IAS/University Paris-Saclay/CNRS) A fresh perspective has just unveiled a renowned feature in our planet's sky. Mid- and near-infrared investigations conducted by the James Webb Space Telescope have revealed never-before-seen characteristics in the Horsehead Nebula...

Investigation: Do Women Really Feel Colder Than Men?

Credit: Pixabay The common stereotype suggests that women always feel colder and need more layers, but is this notion scientifically accurate? Despite widespread observations, there have been limited controlled studies on how men and women's bodies respond to cold temperatures. A recent study conducted at the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) yielded unexpected results regarding...

The Power of Science Movies that Inspires People

Credit: Canvas Movies have the power to change our minds, push our limits, and inspire us to aspire for more. It doesn't matter whether you are a student, a worker, or a boss; developing the habit of watching movies and series related to your field or area of interest can take you to the next...

Who’d Have Thought Robotic Bee Swarms Could be so Captivating?

Festo's latest bio-inspired robot is capable of autonomous flight and computer-controlled swarming behaviorFesto Over the years, Festo's Bionic Learning Network has unveiled remarkable nature-inspired flying robots, but the autonomous BionicBee stands out as the smallest and the first capable of swarming. Annually, Festo showcases its latest automation innovations at Hannover Messe, the premier industrial technology...

Colossal Raptor Dinosaur Possessed Legs that Surpassed your Height

The raptors depicted in the Jurassic Park films were already fearsome at six feet tall, but now researchers have identified a colossal new raptor species with legs towering to that same height. Raptors constituted a varied array of dinosaurs resembling the iconic movie creatures, albeit varying in size. They shared a common body structure, featuring...

Cow’s Milk Particles Reveal Medical Mystery

A particle in cow's milk enables RNA therapy to be given orallyDALL-E A recent study reveals that cow's milk contains nanoparticles capable of delivering RNA therapy orally, offering a promising avenue for more accessible treatments. This discovery is particularly significant as current RNA-based drugs necessitate injection, limiting their accessibility and affordability. Converting injectable medications into oral...

Moon Crater Traced as Origin of Nearby Asteroid

The lunar crater Giordano Bruno, captured here by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, is home sweet home for a small near-Earth asteroid, according to a new studyNASA/Goddard/Arizona State University Scientists have long been able to trace many asteroids back to their parent bodies, whether planets or moons. However, they now assert for the first time that...

Discovery: Uncommon Genetic Mutation Provides Insights into Type 1 Diabetes Prevention

UK researchers at the University of Exeter have identified an unprecedented genetic mutation present in two siblings, unseen in any other individuals. This finding opens avenues for novel treatment strategies in the realm of type 1 diabetes. The mutation occurs within the gene responsible for encoding programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) protein. A recent study elucidates...