Search Results - Cell

Magmo Pro Attaches to iPhones, Enabling Automatic Recording of Phone Conversations

Credit: Nacevski Nikola/ Pexels Despite the iPhone's versatile capabilities, it lacks the ability to perform a seemingly straightforward function: recording phone conversations. However, the Magmo Pro offers iPhone users a straightforward solution, allowing them to effortlessly record phone calls without the need for complex procedures. Magmo Pro The Magmo Pro, developed by Korean company Mune, is presently the...

The Urgent Need for Stringent Methane Emission Policies

Oil and gas industry. Credit: Unsplash. The first global review of methane policies, conducted by our research team, reveals that stringent policies to eliminate methane emissions still need to be improved, despite the global focus on reducing methane emissions. While over 100 countries signed the Global Methane Pledge to cut emissions by 30% compared to 2020...

New Genetic Tech Developed to Combat Malaria-Transmitting Mosquitoes

Malaria continues to be one of the most lethal illnesses globally Credit: istock Malaria continues to be one of the most lethal illnesses globally. Each year, malaria infections claim the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals, with children under the age of five primarily affected. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...

Staying True to Your Core Philosophy

Credit: istock Most of us are familiar with the concept of mission statements that companies create to guide their actions and decisions. Similarly, individuals can benefit from having their own personal mission statements or core philosophies. These guiding principles remind us of what truly matters and help us make choices aligned with our values and...

Identification of a Mucin and Insulin Secretion “Traffic Control” System

Tetraspanin 8 is localized at the plasma membrane of mucin-secreting cells. Credit: Nature Communications (2023). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-39277-9. In a recent study, scientists from the Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG) in Barcelona investigated how cells execute the controlled release of mucins and insulin, two vital proteins for human health. Their findings were published in the journal Nature Communications. Mucins: Guardians...

Combination Therapy a One-Two Punch to KO Aggressive Brain Cancer

Credit: Unsplash. A recent research investigation revealed that the combination of radiotherapy and a virus designed to target cancer cells proved to be more successful in treating a challenging and fatal type of brain tumor compared to the individual use of either therapy. The National Brain Tumor Society reports that glioblastoma (GB) constitutes slightly more than half,...

Unlocking The Fasting Activity-Benefits In The  Human  Brain

"What we do frequently becomes easier not because the nature of the task changes, but because our ability to do it increases." Unknown Author. Fasting is a millenary activity. Exercised by several people worldwide. We may assume that all religions around the globe practice a certain kind of fast and that its benefits for the...

Brain Injection of Cultured Neurons: A Potential Cure for Epilepsy

Brain. Credit: Unsplash. Researchers at Neurona Therapeutics, a biotech company based in San Francisco, have achieved a remarkable reduction of over 90 percent in seizures experienced by two epilepsy patients through a brain injection. The patients were administered NRTX-1001, an experimental cell therapy developed by the company. Prior to the treatment, the patients were suffering...

DNA Can Adopt Intricate Configurations, Enabling it to Perform Novel Functions

illustration of the structure of DNA. Credit: Unsplash. A recent study led by researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, a division of the National Institutes of Health, has found that DNA has the ability to imitate protein functions by adopting intricate and three-dimensional structures. A recent study, published in...

Gene Expression Modified: Unveiling Vulnerability to Infections in Space Travel

Astronaut in space. Credit: Unsplash. In the realm beyond Earth, the absence of gravity poses a significant hazard to the well-being of astronauts, particularly during extended missions. Gaining insights into the response of the human body to the space environment is essential for long-term space exploration and the development of countermeasures to safeguard astronaut health. Previous...