Search Results - Alzheimer

Medication Activates Dormant Bone Cells to Ease Lower Back Discomfort

Navitoclax knocked out pain-triggering senescent osteoclasts to relieve back painDepositphotos In positive developments for the 80% of Americans experiencing lower back pain during their lifetime, scientists have discovered that repurposing an existing drug can effectively target dormant osteoclast cells, reducing spinal hypersensitivity. Xu Cao, a senior author and Orthopedic Surgery professor at Johns Hopkins University School...

A 1% Decrease in Deep Sleep Increases Dementia Risk by 27%

A study has linked a reduction in deep sleep to increased dementia risk in over 60s. Credit: Pixaobay A recent study revealed that individuals aged 60 and above who experience an annual 1% decline in deep sleep are associated with a 27% higher dementia risk. These results indicate that preserving or improving deep sleep might...

Vascular Cells are Crucial for Long-term Memory Formation

Credit: Pixaobay Research on long-term memories has largely focused on the role of neurons—the brain's nerve cells. However, in recent years, scientists are discovering that other cell types are also vital in memory formation and storage. A recent study, published in the journal Neuron, sheds light on the essential role of vascular system cells called pericytes...

Newly Discovered Brain Cells Bridge Neurons and Glial Cells

Neurons. Credit: Unsplash. A research team from the University of Lausanne (UNIL) and the Wyss Center has uncovered a novel class of brain cells that plays a pivotal role in brain function.  These cells, possessing hybrid characteristics between neurons and glial cells, are found in various brain regions in mice and humans, offering unique insights into memory,...

Researchers are Urging a Shift in the Approach to Treating Sleep Apnea

Nearly half of all sleep apnea sufferers receiving treatment will give up on their CPAP machinesDepositphotos Roughly 30 million Americans are believed to experience sleep apnea, a number similar to diabetes cases. However, treating this condition proves to be highly challenging. This challenge is exacerbated by the fact that almost 50% of those diagnosed give...

Enabling Machine Learning to Inquire Can Enhance its Intelligence

Credit: Pixaobay Researchers from Duke University's biomedical engineering department have showcased a novel approach that significantly enhances the performance of machine learning models in the search for new molecular therapeutics, even when utilizing only a small portion of the available data. By employing an algorithm that actively detects gaps in datasets, the accuracy of the...

Probiotics and Cognitive Decline: Addressing Aging’s Effects on the Brain

A recent study indicates that probiotics may improve cognitive function and potentially prevent age-related cognitive decline by modulating the gut microbiome. Particularly in individuals with mild cognitive impairment, shifts in gut microbiome composition, such as decreases in the abundance of Prevotella bacteria, correlated with improved cognitive scores. Credit: Pixaobay Recent research highlights the gut's crucial role in...

Unlocking The Fasting Activity-Benefits In The  Human  Brain

"What we do frequently becomes easier not because the nature of the task changes, but because our ability to do it increases." Unknown Author. Fasting is a millenary activity. Exercised by several people worldwide. We may assume that all religions around the globe practice a certain kind of fast and that its benefits for the...

The Risk Of Dementia Could Be Raised By Air Pollution Exposure

Fine particulate air pollutants, known as PM2.5, can come from construction sites, unpaved roads, fields, smokestacks or fires, according to the EPA. They also form in the atmosphere as a result of complex reactions of chemicals such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. / Credit: A recent meta-analysis conducted by Harvard T.H. Chan School...

Can the Metaverse and Virtual Reality Contribute to Better Healthcare?

Pari Natarajan, CEO of Zinnov, a global management and consulting firm focusing on digital transformation in healthcare. Credit: Pari Natarajan An expert offers an overview of AR and VR for provider organizations and discusses what these advanced technologies might help hospitals' health systems accomplish. The metaverse and virtual reality are promising technologies that might benefit healthcare. Medical...