Search Results - Microbial

New Antibiotic Cures Superbugs Without Bacterial Resistance

Credit: Canva In a potential game changer for the treatment of superbugs, a brand-new class of antibiotics was developed that cured mice infected with bacteria regarded virtually "untreatable" in humans-- and resistance to the drug was undetectable. Produced by a research team of UC Santa Barbara researchers, the research study was released in the journal eBioMedicine....

New Class of Medicinal Compounds that Target RNA

Graphical abstract. Credit: Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (2022). DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2022.12.080 A team of undergraduate and also graduate chemistry students in Jennifer Hines' laboratory at Ohio University recently uncovered a current class of compounds that can target RNA and disrupt its function. This discovery determined a chemical scaffold that might ultimately be utilized in the development of...

The Human Microbiome is Going Extinct, Scientists State

Carol Yepes//Getty Images The human microbiome is threatened, which is not an excellent thing1 for your health or the rest of the world. A new documentary, The Unseen Extinction, highlights how the human microbiome-- also referred to as microorganisms and the bacteria living within the human body, most prevalent in the gut-- is on the verge...

Belt and Suspenders: Alpine Lake Bacteria Deploy 2 Light-Harvesting Systems

Lake Gossenköllesee is located in the Tyrolean Alps. Credit: Christopher Bellas Though human beings, along with other vertebrate and invertebrate organisms, do not photosynthesize, we're certainly the downstream beneficiaries of the life forms that do. Phototrophic organisms at the bottom of the food chain convert plentiful sunlight into the energy that ultimately powers all other...

Researchers Uncover Evidence of What May Be Earth’s First Mass Animal Extinction

Aaron Foster/Getty Images Ever since the Cambrian blast 538.8 million years earlier-- a time when most of the animal phyla we're familiar with today were established-- 5 significant mass extinction events have whittled down the biodiversity of all creatures, great and tiny. Researchers from the United States have uncovered proof of one happening earlier, around 550...

Study Reveals How Naturally-Occurring Coumpound Eliminates Significant Drug-Resistant Bacteria

Credit: CC0 Public Domain Researchers examining the effects of an organic compound on drug resistance bacteria have found how it could impede and exterminate a germ that causes extreme sickness or sometimes fatalities. Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a kind of microorganism usually discovered in patients, which can cause infections in the blood, lungs (pneumonia), or...

Study Sheds New Light on the Link Between Oral Bacteria and Diseases

Credit: CC0 Public Domain Investigators at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have determined the microorganisms most typically discovered in intense oral diseases. Few such research have been done previously, and the group currently wishes that the investigation can deliver much deeper insight into the association in between dental germs and other diseases. The research is released...

Discovery Of New Sorts Of Microfossils May Answer Age-Old Scientific Question

Rocks created from hydrothermal vent precipitates on the seafloor. Dominic Papineau Scientists get long pondered how and when the evolution of prokaryotes to eukaryotes happened. A collaborative research group from Tohoku University and the College of Tokyo may have offered some answers after discovering new kinds of microfossils dating 1.9 billion years. Details of their findings were...

Light Accelerates Conductivity In Nature’s ‘Electric Grid’

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain The natural world has its own intrinsic electrical grid composed of a world web of tiny bacteria-generated nanowires in the soil and seas that "breathe" by exhaling excess electrons. In a new study, Yale College researchers found that light is an unexpected ally in fostering this electronic activity within biofilm bacteria. Revealing bacteria-produced...

Scientists Develop Cement Completely Out of Waste Material

Scientists who discovered the biocement. Credit: bioplasticsnews. Creating renewable biocement entirely out of waste material Cement is a binder, a substance utilized while building that hardens, sets, and sticks to other materials to bind them together. When sand and gravel are blended with cement, concrete is made. Cement is classified as non-hydraulic or hydraulic. Hydraulic cement needs...